The discovery of a ‘sister’ of the Earth that is located in the so-called habitable zone, i.e. at the ideal distance from its star to have liquid water on the surface. It’s called TOI 700 d, is at a distance of 100 light years, and has been identified by the new hunter of planets Tess, Nasa. The result was announced in Honolulu, at the meeting of the Astronomical Society of American, from the group led by Emily Gilbert, of the university of Chicago.

There are also the italians, Giovanni Covone, astrophysicist of the university Federico II of Naples and an associate member of the National Institute of Astrophysics (Inaf) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Infn), and the student Luca Cacciapuoti, from the Federico II. “This result is very important for Tess because it is the first planet similar to Earth, discovered by the space telescope”, says the BEND in the wave Sheaf.

The next step, he adds, will be to check if the planet has an atmosphere and what is its chemical composition. “We will try, above all, traces of oxygen and water, – explains the expert – are the first important indications of the possible presence of forms of life”. Tess has found three planets around the star TOI 700, which is a red dwarf whose mass is about half that of the Sun. Of the three mountains, space aliens, the most fascinating is the TOI 700 d, which is 20% bigger than the Earth. The planet turns always the same face to its star, but this is for experts may not be a limit to the birth of life. However, it detects Sheaf “we need to see what kind of life could form on a planet without the alternation of day and night, to this TOI 700 d will be a nice laboratory for astrobiology”. © Reproduction reserved