Heavy, swollen legs – these are the typical symptoms of varicose veins, including Dusan Djordjevic, 42, suffered for many years. “This pain came occasionally. And in the case of prolonged Standing, or in the race, the varicose veins were, which bothered me for aesthetic reasons.” Vein problems are common and can affect men as well as women, albeit less frequently. With advancing age, the expression of the symptoms is increasing. In women, often during pregnancy, an increase in complaints.

The cause of varicose veins in varicose veins, is a blood congestion In the veins, the oxygen is pushed – poor blood from the legs back to the heart against the force of gravity. “The leg muscles as a pump to ensure that the veins are pressed together and the blood can be transported”, explains Marc Husmann, a specialist in vascular medicine (angiology) at the centre for vascular diseases, Zurich-Stadelhofen, and attending physician at the Klinik Hirslanden in Zurich. The venous valves prevent the blood from flowing back. “If they don’t work properly, then the blood accumulates in the veins.” In the result of swelling, indurations, and discolorations. In very severe cases the blood circulation is impaired so much that the skin cells die and there is a wound, an “open leg”. “The goal of any therapy is venous to reduce reflux, or to fix in the best case,” says Marc Husmann.

varicose veins do not disappear without treatment by itself.

To this end, various procedures. The so-called Stripping is the classic varicose vein surgery, where the vein is surgically from the leg is pulled. The blood flows normally through the deep venous system back to the heart. This method has been practiced for decades and takes place under Full or partial anesthesia. For around ten years, the vein can also be heat-sealed. The energy is generated by means of Laser or radio frequency. “This is a gentle Alternative to vein Stripping. The minimally invasive procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The risk of infection is very small, the Patient can resume his usual activities immediately,” says Marc Husmann. For Dusan Djordjevic, Managing Director at Swiss hospital, this was the optimal solution. “I let the upper part of my legs lasers, so from the knee up to the hips. The intervention was short, it lasted for less than an hour.”

then the legs hurt, but the Situation quickly improved. “I once went on a business trip and I attended a conference. But if you can set it up somehow, I would recommend it for two days, something quiet to address and protect something.” During four days, Dusan Djordjevic wore stockings around the clock compression. These compress the veins and promote the flow of the blood.

another advantage of this method is that It is more cost effective, less labour-intensive and with a more rapid complete recovery in the Stripping, and it is also taken from the basic health insurance policy. However, the method at the beginning of the year, has come under criticism. A medical Team from the Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany, has compared the relapse rates of various treatment options over a minimum of five years. After laser treatments, the conclusion of the study, were compared with conventional operations up to five times as often relapses, so new varicose veins. Other studies contradict this result, however. “As with all interventions, it is crucial that clean and professional work that the doctor has the necessary experience and the proper procedure is selected,” says vascular specialist Marc Husmann.

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comes in the method used for the application, depends, among other things, how big the diameter is, how strong the diseased veins tortuous are, or how your anatomical Situation. Important an accurate diagnosis is, in any case. A family activity is one of the in addition to the Check, and risk factors such as a weak heart, disease and suffered thrombosis, an ultrasound investigation of the venous system. Due to the investigations, the treatment can be determined. “For best results, the different therapy forms are also combined with each other,” says Marc Husmann. But in any case, a treatment is needed: “Are varicose veins a purely cosmetic Problem, so you are disturbing not only visually and not make any complaints, they need not be removed necessarily.”

“Preventive measures for the prevention of varicose veins hardly bring.”Marc Husmann, vascular specialist

it is Different in patients as Dusan Djordjevic, the suffering due to your veins, weakness, swelling, heavy legs or even pain. Action is needed, because varicose veins do not disappear without treatment by itself. Compression stockings or ointments with extracts, for example, from horse chestnut or vine leaves can alleviate the symptoms, remedy is only a removal of the sick but veins. Good to know: “Who suffers from varicose veins, has only a small increased risk of thrombosis.” This means: In the case of varicose veins without the discomfort of the veins must not be treated because of increased risk for thrombosis.

you Can prevent varicose veins? “No, because in the vast majority of cases, a flap is weakness of the vein is innate, so that preventive measures will hardly bring the prevention of varicose veins,” says vascular specialist Marc Husmann. All the same, a Lot of movement and the avoidance of Obesity are not likely to favor the Occurrence of varicose veins also. Varicose veins can occur even after a successful therapy again. The diseased veins are removed, but it can develop because the valves healthy veins weakness once. “This is not always the case, and in General, the success of the treatment often persists for many years,” says Marc Husmann. It also Dusan Djordjevic, with the result of his intervention, very satisfied hopes. “Everything is wonderfully healed, the varicose veins and the ugly stains are gone. I feel when Standing and not Run any more affected, and have much more energy.”

(the Swiss family)

Created: 24.10.2019, 21:09 PM