tobacco use leads in Switzerland to medical expenses in the amount of 3 billion Swiss francs. This corresponds to 4 percent of the total health expenditure. A further 2 billion in production losses due to tobacco consumption. This is a study conducted by the ZHAW shows.

The Winterthur Institute for health Economics at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) calculated on behalf of the Swiss Association for Smoking prevention, the disease burden of tobacco use. The statement was presented exemplarily for the year 2015, as it says in a communication to the working group by Monday.

the number of deaths, the years of life lost and lost quality of life due to disease caused by direct medical costs and economic production losses were Investigated. Conclusion from this: The tobacco consumption causes in Switzerland, the annual cost of five billion francs.

The direct medical costs, according to the investigation, three billion Swiss francs. These are diseases of 1.2 billion Swiss francs for the treatment of cancer, CHF 1 billion for cardiovascular disease, as well as by 0.7 billion Swiss francs for the treatment of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

9535 deaths per year

The 3 billion Swiss francs corresponds to 3.9 percent of the total health care of Switzerland spending in 2015 – all the expenditure of the compulsory health insurance and private health care costs. According to the study, came to 2 billion Swiss francs, a loss of production. They are the consequences of disease-related failures, or failures due to disability or death prior to Retirement.

The smoke caused by 2015, a total of 9535 deaths in Switzerland. This corresponds to cases 14.1 per cent of all death, it is said in the message. Two-thirds of them were men. In comparison, 253 people, and through the annual flu wave, 2500 people died in the year 2015 on the Road.

the authors of The study assume that the burden of disease is more likely to be even higher than their results show. Only tobacco-related diseases had been included, for which a clear causal relationship with Smoking was.

in Addition to other tobacco types such as Snus or E-cigarettes are not taken into account. Also the passive were to smoke or not smoke involved during the pregnancy. (sda)

Created: 09.09.2019, 11:44 PM