The Wolf seems to be in Switzerland to be comfortable. At least this is evident from the current statistics: there are Now eight pack, and twice as many as in the previous year. In addition, three new pairs have been spotted, the next year is expected to have offspring.

For Farmers on the Alps, but also for a Ranger, this is more and more of a challenge. Because the Wolf is still a headstrong beast of Prey with a large meat demand. On average, it consumes around 3.5 kilograms of food per day. Although he eats mostly wild animals such as red deer, ROE deer or chamois, to fall to him, also sheep and goats to sacrifice.

Two juveniles shot

“This summer, we found a pack of nine puppies from a litter,” says Adrian Arquint, hunting inspector of Graubünden. It was the Beverin-pack, the have shown, in contrast to the other wolves a problematic behavior. The male parent animal M92 have begun to crack even the livestock by electric fences and protected herds. Due to the frequency of such incidents, a red line of the wolf management had been exceeded,so that recently, a launch permit for four young animals from this herd was adopted.

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the Italian Population derived Couple of M92 and F37 had this year for the first Time, Junior. The dog was previously, since he killed often sheep from unprotected flocks. Newly added to this was that he should be protected within four weeks, at the Heinz mountain and in the safien valley for at least 15 goats crack, which would by an electric fence actually sufficient. At the scene found DNA evidence unmasked it later as the ‘polluter pays’.

In the pack of Association are protected by the parents, even if you identify a problematic behavior. Two young wolves from the Beverin-pack were killed herds of a few weeks ago, in the vicinity of one of the two affected goats. “Since then, M92 does not return to work with his large family there,” explained Arquint. Wolves were smart, and learned quickly.

The booty is shared

Since 1995, the skilled Large predators on diving with the striking yellow eyes and the characteristic howl in Switzerland again. Seven years ago, the Calanda got the pack for the first time, Junior. “Although the Wolf is increasing, you will encounter them in nature only rarely,” says Ralph Manz of the Foundation’s Kora, which coordinates research projects for the conservation and Management of wild animals. Because they were shy and were, if they had sensed humans.

The Wolf hunting either in a pack or alone. “So all the puppies get enough food, need to wolves to be the most efficient way,” says Manz. An adult Wolf can consume up to ten kilograms of meat at a Time, and this, with its family members share by hervorwürgt it later. He can, however, animals also all the parts of the body such as a leg away.

Only about half of all young wolves completed the first year of life.

Currently 83 wolves in Switzerland, including 25 puppies life probably. Using genetic analyses, have been identified in the past two years, 64 wolves individually. Also in the case of six puppies this is managed. Of the other 19 pups witnesses so far, visual observations, or recordings of photo, just fall.

the many wolves Are cause for concern? “No,” says Reinhard Schnidrig from the Federal office for the environment (FOEN). In Switzerland, it would be distributed, in principle, space for around 300 wolves, 50 to 60 pack. At least there was here enough of wild animals as food and suitable habitat. This calculation is based on the Basis of the ecological potential. Not the political acceptance was taken into account, so to speak, of the place in the mind of the people.

Nevertheless: “Each year with us to little red deer to be shot,” explains Schnidrig more. In some cantons, there is the beginning of the Winter special hunts, but these are likely to be in the territories of wolf packs are increasingly unnecessary.

damage to

In a document of the Alpine Convention, it was noted, moreover, that it was in the Alps, minimum 125 pack of 1000 wolves would need for the conservation of sufficiently large and stable Wolf. “Would you distribute from nice to Vienna for the wolf pack in solidarity across the country, would have packs made in Switzerland with 15 to 20 of your contribution,” said Schnidrig. At the moment the deck so far below.

in Spite of the abundant food supply of wild animals, it always comes back to wily farm animals. Alone in the year 2018, the sum for compensation was 250’000 francs, while it is only about 140’were in the years previously, on average, 000 francs. Also in 2019, the total damage will be in accordance with FOEN similar to that in the previous year. This has a lot to do with the current doubling of the pack, and in order that the affected regions were not properly prepared.

Increasingly, dogs used

Every year, the FOEN is investing some three million francs in the hearth protection. “Reports show that in 90 percent of cases, the sheep, goats or cattle were not protected,” says Manz. In the past year, there were 492 compensated cracks, which were paid 80 percent by the Federal government and 20 percent by the cantons. The livestock holder will be pro cracked animal, depending on the age, breed and stud-book – of between 250 and 2000 Swiss francs.

From the entry into force of the revised hunting law to be paid in the future, only cracked the livestock that were with suitable herd protection measures, such as specially trained dogs or electric fences – protected. However, the assessment of the protection devices, especially in large herds with approximately 400 sheep, and in a cluttered area, not always easy.

On more and more Swiss Alpine pastures herd protection dogs of the breed Chien de Montagne des Pyrenees or Maremma guards Abruzzo sheepdogs herds about Livestock. In 2019, over 300 dogs to be used. However, this Management is challenging. On the one hand, under the two-to-six guard dogs due to the hierarchy among themselves to fight. On the other, there are also conflicts between the attentive dogs and the unsuspecting hikers or mountain bikers. “In 2018, 17 people were bitten,” said Daniel Mettler of Agridea, the Federal Agency for herd protection. Most are minor injuries such as scratches or bruises, however, occasionally also of deeper wounds that require medical treatment.

llamas as guard

in order To injuries, the herd protection dogs trained better for such situations. However, also the mountain, tourists should show more understanding and not in the midst of a herd of walking or driving. It is recommended to conduct the barking dogs, they are as quiet as possible and go to the animals out of the way. Hikers can plan their trips thanks to an interactive map on the Internet in advance so that you will encounter on the road, no guard dogs.

llamas guarded 2018 various herds in 30 Holdings. “We know that you can be in the attack of several wolves, but also quickly to the prey animal,” says Mettler. Therefore, they are used in Switzerland only in regions with a low level of risk, for example, against stray dogs, lynx, and at most single wolves. The Federal government financed Lamas.

Even if there are now more wolves and puppies in Switzerland, their chances of Survival are poor, especially in the stage of young animal. Only about 50 percent of them, the first year ends. Many come by road transport, legal kills, poaching or poisoning killed. It is from the people uninfluenced death, there are also reasons for this: So last year, rushed down in the Grisons, three inexperienced young animals in the steep terrain of a rocky cliff.

Created: 04.11.2019, 09:33 PM