As a car owner it can be expensive to get more horsepower under the right foot.

The more powerful your car’s engine is, the more expensive it is as a rule also, and it has apparently led some danes to look for other options. Which among other things involves sending the bill through the exhaust pipe, past the other traffic and out in the blue air.

According to the environmental organisation The Danish Ecological Council is looking some Danish drivers and workshops to illegal forms of chip tuning, which makes the engines stronger, but also more polluting. And it has now got the council to take the matter into their own hands and politianmelde up to 50 individuals and a number of workshops to break the law.

It writes TV2 Lorry.

The Danish Ecological Council has found the many car owners and repair shops on the discussion forums on the web and on Facebook. Here, the council has allegedly managed to infiltrate the closed groups, where illegal forms of chip tuning has been mentioned.

According to Robert Kaiser, there are transportpolitical employee of the environmental organization, it’s been ‘fairly obvious.’ Casino siteleri

– It, we politianmelder, are private people, who have been chiptunet their car, and have asked, whether it is illegal and has got to know that it is, but it is still not detected. And it is manufacturers, who say that what they are doing is illegal, but do it anyway, he says to TV2 Lorry.

The illegal form of chiptuning is referred to, and supposedly also done by people in the closed forums, can according to the council, get the cars to pollute between 10 and 12 times more than they were originally approved for.

It can among other things be due to the closing of the EGR valve on a computer or removes the partikelfiltret.

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the engine is, as the name suggests, a replacement or reprogramming of the car’s motorstyringsenhed going on with the computer. Through this you can get your car’s engine to provide different, and it is according to the Færdselsstyrelsen as a starting point legally.

There does, however, apply the same rules as for other constructive changes of the car, which among other things means that the car must not produce more after the procedure. The car must, therefore, always past a synshal immediately after chiptuningen, and here the owner must be able to prove that the car still keeps itself within forureningsgrænserne.

These rules are, however, apparently challenged that the engine is often not revealed during the regular, periodic inspections. It means, according to the three garages, as TV2 Lorry have spoken with, that there is a tendency for people not to get approved the chiptunede car according to the requirements.

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