“Spain football team”

“Sandstorm threatens, blue and yellow: ”Alarming””

“the DOHA development agenda. A sandstorm is on the way in over the Qatar.”

“the Local authorities call on the population to be careful.”

“– It is a bit worrying, says the national coach Janne Andersson.”

“the Media in Qatar report that a hefty sandstorm may be on the way to take over the country. “

“”the Country may be affected by a sandstorm, which leads to poor visibility, especially in the northern and south-western regions”, will Qatar meteorological department.”

“the national Team have thus based their januariturné in the country’s capital city of Doha and arrived in Qatar during the evening.”

“dust storms are not to be trifled with. Visibility is greatly restricted, and it can also be very dangerous to breathe in the sand in the lungs. The ministry has therefore called on the population to close all the windows, and to behave vigilantly, but it is yet unclear how strong any the sandstorm can be.”

“”It would be a damn shame””

“How, then, can the any the sandstorm affect Blågults trainings? It remains to be seen.”

“– this I found out now. I had not heard. We have not met our contacts here, but may as well ask for advice since then, ” says Janne Andersson.”

“‘ We are taking all precautions””

“He continues:”

“–It is a bit worrying of course. But we’ll see about the arena we are going to exercise on can handle it. But it would be a damn shame if it would affect us and our trainings.”

“New presschefen Jacob Kakembo Andersson awaiting further information. “

“– We’ll check with our contacts here on the site and take all the precautions we can to keep us safe. Now, if it would happen. But this is the first time I hear about it. “

“8 January at 17.45: Sweden–Finland”

“January 11th at 17.45: Sweden–Iceland”