How responsive your car, if you run head-on into a concrete wall?

It at Euro NCAP, who since 1997 have tested the safety during clashes with all the new cars that have come on the market in Europe. The requirements are becoming ever greater, but nevertheless, 16 of the total 23 tested cars received the maximum five stars by the internal safety organisation.

Three cars made it even so well during testing that they can now call themselves klasseledende, when it comes to security. It applies to the Mercedes-Benz A-Class, Hyundai Nexo and the Lexus ES.

Mercedes-Benz A-Class is performing according to the Euro NCAP best in middle class ‘Small family car’, while brintbilen Nexo beats the competitors in the class for large SUVS. Finally is victorious the Lexus ES in the whole of the two classes; the ‘Large family car’ and the class for hybrid and electric vehicles.

According to Euro NCAP’s secretary general, Michiel van Ratingen, excels cars among other things, on the protection of vulnerable road users. A focal point, which has been do much on my heart in years.

In 2018, we introduced stringent new testing, with a particular focus on the protection of vulnerable road users. The three ‘Best in Class’-award winners in the year demonstrates the all clear to car manufacturers strive for the highest level of protection, and that the Euro NCAP’s assessments are a catalyst for these important safety improvements, he says in a press release.

While Mercedes-Benz and Lexus scores, respectively 90 and 92 percent of the possible points in the category of pedestrian protection, the large Hyundai Nexo just 67 percent. Here is second the of both the Volkswagen Touareg and the BMW X5 with 72 and 75 percent, but the two five-star German, however, can not quite follow, when it comes to protection of adults and minors passengers.

Here are Nexo, respectively, 95 percent and 87 percent, which is to give the brintbilen the overall victory in its class.

Nexo, A-Class and the ES scores all above 90 percent in protection of adult passengers, but the small Mercedes jumps the highest, with 96 percent of the possible points in the discipline.

In the year is Euro NCAP really started to put the car førerassistent systems to the test, and to get five stars to the cars now, among other things, be equipped with automatic emergency brake. With the organization’s own words, the car must provide ‘an overall good performance when it comes to protection under the clash’ and be ‘well-equipped with a robust accident prevention technology’.

At the Danish bilistorganisation FDM is bilteknisk editor, Søren W. Rasmussen, satisfied that the 23 car has done although it to fall under the five star rating.

– Overall, this year’s Euro NCAP test uplifting. They show that even though the Euro NCAP continuously sharpens the requirements for especially the new safety systems, manage the vehicle manufacturers to follow. This year’s test shows, however, what a difference it makes, when the vehicle looks big on safety and do not develop or update their various models, he says to the

Søren W. Rasmussen refers here to the Fiat Panda was recently retested after seven years on the market. Back in 2011, when the model was finally tested, got the four stars, but this year had to go from his re-examination with 0 stars. Not because it is less secure, but because the requirements have become a lot bigger in the course of Pandaens life.