“Plane crash in Ethiopia,”

“After Etiopienkraschen: ”the Pilots followed the routines of””

“A preliminary report has been made after the crash in Ethiopia. “

“the Pilots, several times tried to implement routines in order to get up the plane’s nose – without successful results. “

“the Blame for the crash is added instead of the manufacturer Boeing. “

“Already on leaked information from the preliminary report regarding the plane crash in Ethiopia. “

“the Information alleged that Boeing’s software MCAS pushed down the nose – despite the fact that the pilots carried out the routine steps to bring the plane on an even keel. “

“During a press conference from Addis Ababa submitted the data from the Ethiopian minister of transport Dagmawit Moges, who took part of the preliminary report. “

“the Crew carried out repeatedly, the measures provided by the manufacturer, without being able to regain control of the plane,” says Dagmawit Moes. “

“You asked where Boeing to take steps to check their systems on the relatively new flygplansmodellen 737 Max 8 before it again was in traffic. “

“the Same invitation was addressed to the flygfartsmyndigheter. “

“In the crash, which occurred just six minutes after the plane lifted from Addis Ababa, 10 march dog 157 passengers from 35 different countries. “

“on Board the plane were four swedes, including worker Alexandra Wachtmeister, 50, and Jonathan Seex, 45.”