Where the number of gentlemen who completes the Tour de Ski has been stable over the last six seasons, goes pila drastically down on the surname.

60-48-45-37 is the decreasing percentage of the number of female cross-country skiers who finish the Tour de Ski, according to XC-skiing info, in the period 2015/16 and up to this season’s edition.

When the tour first came on the program, completed the full 80 per cent of women. This year it was only 37 per cent of those who went the whole tour. In total there were only 28 women who completed this year’s edition.

When 30 get verdenscuppoeng, does it mean that not even all verdenscuppoengene was dealt. These are remarkable numbers for langrennssporten.

Capols explanation

To Dagbladet, says FIS-director Jürg Capol that the TV figures in Germany still increased by 10 per cent in this year’s edition, but does not hide the fact that the number of athletes coming to the finish, is a challenge FIS need to look closer at.

NOTIFICATIONS of CHANGES: FIS-director Jürg Capol want more Tour de Ski-action. Photo: AP Photo/Andrew Medichini Show more

– This is composed. The sprinters choose to jump off early. Some breaks because of bad form. Other due to illness or other reasons. The question is what we in the FIS can do to further develop the product, ” says Capol to the Newspaper.

– Previously, the FIS is a model where all the athletes had to complete the Tour de Ski in order to get their points and prizes, but the rule disappeared after the first edition. It is not appropriate to reintroduce it. It is not healthy to push the athletes who are sick to complete the rather, says the German.

Trendsetter Bjørgen

To see the big kvinnefrafallet in conjunction with Marit Bjørgens options and message the past few seasons, is interesting. She won Tour de Ski in 2014/15, but had a – her to be – disappointing world cup where Johaug and not her was the world cup queen in Falun.

the Consequence was that the 2014/15 edition was Rognes-the girl’s last appearance in the Tour de Ski.

I tried to go the Tour de Ski before the world CHAMPIONSHIPS in Falun, but when I was not at my best in the world cup. My suksessformel was to stand over the tour, explained the most vinterolympier several times to the Newspaper.

– Johaug can reinforce the vicious circle

Bjørgens elections have been a turning point, as the numbers show the opposite, where more and more people choose to drop or break the Tour de Ski in order to optimize the preparations for the championships.

Capol hope that langrennssporten soon get a new trendsetter that can erase Bjørgens message, such as John Høsflot Klæbo.

NOT AS CRITICAL: Although John Høsflot Klæbo considered to break midway through the Tour de Ski and Emil Iversen did it, is the number of gentlemen who completes the tour pretty stable – unlike on the men’s side. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix Show more

– There’s a lot of psychology in this. Bjørgen has been a trendsetter that has dropped the Tour de Ski and had success in the world cup. Hopefully there’ll be a new trendsetter that succeed with the championships after having done well in the tour. We’ve had it before, such as Petter Northug and Dario Cologna, says Capol to the Newspaper.

But now it gets well soon so that they who stood over the Tour de Ski, as Johaug, and Called, takes many of the gullene in the world cup again?

– Yes, it is possible Johaug and Called takes part gold in Seefeld and reinforces the vicious circle we are in. At the same time you can ask if it is wise to go as few flows when rennsesongen already so short.

Supported by Ulvang

Vegard Ulvang, chairman of the langrennskomiteen in the FIS, is of the same opinion.

– It almost seems as if it is psychology in this. When the one does not dare, then the dare nor the other, ” said Ulvang to Dagbladet in november.

Marit Bjørgen has been that she has a greater chance to win the gold medal in the championships if she is over the Tour de Ski. Is it harmful to the sport?

– It is often a trend-setter. The best sets the standard, maybe even more on the jentesiden than on guttesiden.

Now alerts Capol more action against the Newspaper.

DEBATE: Vidar Løfshus and Tomas Pettersson turns the alarm on Norwegian kvinnelangrenn. Video/editing: Kristoffer Løkås Show more

FIS-the director mentions the following three changes will be carefully considered for the next edition of the tour:

* To introduce mass start from A-B as, for example, Cortina-Toblach, to view the cross-country skiing in a new way.

* placing the sprints later in the tour, at least for sprint). 2 later in the program, that not so many sprinters sign up for so to jump off early

* To introduce a bysprint in the tour, like elsewhere in Europe, similar to a prologue in the sport.

– Where can bysprinten be? In The Uk? ask the Newspaper.

– It can be anywhere. We can start a completely different place, for example, in Oregon where there is always a street life. The Tour de Ski can start in Drammen. It is one of several options, ” says Capol to the Newspaper.

Bysprinten can also be located in for example Oslo, Trondheim, Stockholm or Prague.

FIS-director hits back against Ulvang and Johaug Various reasons

the Figures show that there are several that have been set to start in the latest releases than in the beginning, but far fewer that finish. Some of the reasons for it can be:

* Two of the first three stages was the sprint, which gives the sprinters a golden opportunity to participate in the tour without having to go many distanserenn, by jumping off after the two early sprintene is done. the

* Reiseavstandene in the Tour de Ski gives an extra burden that increases sykdomsrisikoen and goes beyond the recovery.

* The national forbundenes uttaksrenn in the spring shortly after the Tour de Ski, not least in Norway’s case – do that to complete the tour can put a world cup place in danger, as in Emil Iversens case. the

* Seven of the eight individual OLYMPIC gold in Pyeongchang went to the athletes that stood above the Tour de Ski last season.

Only Dario Cologna won the individual OLYMPIC gold medal of those who participated in the Tour de Ski a few weeks earlier, as the Newspaper problematiserte several times last season. The tendency was in fact totally clear:

Charlotte Called stood over the Tour de Ski and was olympic champion in skiathlon. Simen Hegstad Krüger stood over the Tour de Ski and was olympic champion in skiathlon. Stina Nilsson stood over the Tour de Ski and was olympic champion in the sprint. John Høsflot Klæbo stood over the Tour de Ski and was olympic champion in the sprint. Ragnhild Haga stood over the Tour de Ski and was olympic champion in the 10 km freestyle. Marit Bjørgen was standing over the Tour de Ski and was olympic champion on the tremila. Iivo Niskanen broke the Tour de Ski midway and became olympic champion on the femmila. Klæbos life outside of the sport creates debate in Germany Colognas recipe for success

Why Dario Cologna has been an exception from the rule, and in the last year managed it, for example, Heidi Weng and Ingvild Flugstad Østberg fail, he explained to the face of the Newspaper:

the Key is to stay healthy and add a good training period with much amount of on the lower intensity after the Tour de Ski. For my part, I feel the tour helps to get in shape, but it is essential to use good time after the tour before competing again, ” says Cologna to the Newspaper.

– You are the only one of the six gullvinnerne in the OLYMPICS in 2018, which also went to the Tour de Ski. Is the fear of the tour excessive?

Can you beat your friends, rivals, cross-country skiers, and experts in the Fantaski?

the Newspaper, and Swix launches a new manager games for cross-country skiing. Here you can set up your own team consisting of six girls and six boys in front of each verdenscuprunde. You get points based on how your athletes are performing.

the Game passes the entire season, but you win prizes each and every round.


For me, it is possible to do well in both places. I had believed that I could not win the gold medal in the championships to go the tour, I had dropped the Tour de Ski, ” says Cologna to the Newspaper.

– There are many opportunities to win, also to combine the Tour de Ski and world cup. I realize that many of the Norwegian runners have a different opinion, as Bjørgen, Krüger, Klæbo and Haga, but I do not agree that it is so difficult to combine both.

Ulvang switch alarm: Snøkrisa can take down langrennssporten