“An artist makes world CHAMPIONSHIP comeback on home turf,”

“A great artist makes a comeback in the national team when the bandy world CUP starts. Johan Esplund, 36, is back after almost four years ”

“– When the VM goes in Vänersborg, I wanted to be with. It feels like I can bring something, say västgöten Esplund.”

“After Sweden’s loss in the world CUP final in 2015, thanked the game engine Johan Esplund for himself in the national team. He wanted to focus on club Villa Lidköping, and the family become greater.”

“But the craving for to play in the blue and yellow came back.”

“– It has worked well in the Villa, ” says Esplund.”

“Put into him”

“He comes from Sjötorp, north of Mariestad, where him Elless now put down his bandy. Liraren Johan Esplund, however, has developed with the years.”

“– I took the big leap when I moved to Västerås, both as a player and as a person. I learned to make others better, to think more about those around me, ” he said about his transfer in 2013.”

“the Move went from Zorkij, one of the two clubs Johan Esplund played for in Russia. Two years later he returned to Villa Lidköping, a few miles from the world-the city of Vänersborg.”

“Coach Svenne Olsson gives extra credit to Esplunds games the last few seasons:

“– He has developed his ability to vary between the own breakthrough and to turn the passing game that no one else sees the opportunity. Johan is a great performer and has great importance for our game offensively. But he is also good defensively, if he wants to, ” says Olsson.”

“his Comeback in the national team was scheduled to take place in a tournament in Rättvik, sweden, in december. But then became Esplund sick. Now is the return in Saturday’s world CUP premiere against Russia.”

” the world CUP is two-three levels above the Swedish elitserien. It may take a few games before Johan will into it, and recognize themselves with lagkamraterna. But he will grow into it, ” says Svenne Olsson.”

“Sweden, and Russia still has a different playing style, even if the difference has become less with the years.”

“– It happens more in the Russian bandy. They are very skilled individually. We are better at playing together, ” says Johan Esplund.”

“The collective defence is a part of the bandy developed a lot in the last few years.”

“– Everything goes faster, but all play more defensively. The young maintain a high tempo. But it can be a little bit fewer passing game, ” said 36-year-old.”

“When försvarsspelet refined and attacking teams get less space, there is a risk that the bandy becomes less fun to look at, both internationally and in sweden.”

“– You may need to change its gameplay to mix up the low defense. Now it will be often that you play to get the corners, ” says Esplund.”

“Sweden and Russia, who won last year, as usual, the favorites before the bandy world CHAMPIONSHIPS.”

“– But Finland has a better national team than in many years, warns förbundskapen Svenne Olsson.”

“– Everything goes faster, but all play more defensively.”

“Johan Esplund on how to bandy evolved.”

“Live: Private house in Lidköping.”

“the Family: his Partner Angelica Svensson, two children.”

“Profession: May in Villa Lidköping.”

“Role on the pitch: Midfielder, and the game engine.”

“Club: Elless, in the capitalization of Sjötorp on lake Vänern.”

“Caps: 89. Play now the eleventh world CUP.”

“Qualifications: four world CHAMPIONSHIP gold (by 2012), a SM-gold (Västerås 2015).”

“Patrik Hedberg, Hammarby.”

“Anders Svensson, Edsbyn.”

“Martin Johansson, Villa Lidköping.”

“David Pizzoni Elfving, Hammarby.”

“Patrik Sjöström, the Yenisei.”

“Linus Pettersson, Sandviken, sweden.”

“Per Hellmyrs, Bollnäs.”

“Felix Pehrson, Villa Lidköping.”

“Erik Säfström, Sandviken, sweden.”

“Daniel Berlin, Sandviken, sweden.”

“Johan Löfstedt, Villa Lidköping.”

“Adam Gilljam, Hammarby.”

“Johan Esplund, Villa Lidköping.”

“Simon Jansson, Västerås, sweden.”

“Erik Pettersson, Neftjanik.”

“Christoffer Edlund, Sandviken, sweden.”

“Christopher Fagerström, Sweden.”

“Joakim Andersson, Villa Lidköping.”