“The response from the highest authority on the tiggeriförbud”
“Shall Vellinge, sweden, by introducing a local ban on begging?”
“today, the answer from the highest court, the Supreme administrative court, in a question which is followed with interest in more Swedish municipalities.”
“I’m pleasantly surprised that we had to leave,” says Vellinges kommunstyrelseordförande Carina Wutzler (M) to the TT.”
“in the Past, Vellinge consistently been refused, first by county, then by the administrative court and the administrative court of appeal.”
“Vellinge, sweden wants to introduce a ban on begging in certain distinct places in the municipality and justifies it on the grounds that the local residents find it uncomfortable to go to the shops, where the beggars sit.”
“the Municipality has also asserted that the beggar is causing the interference,”
“in the Past instances that tried Vellinges the introduction of tiggeriförbud in the local ordningsstadgan has considered that the municipality failed to show that beggary disturb public order.”
“Carina Wutzler hope that the Supreme administrative court develops the grounds on more than what the previous instances are done.”
“I know that the whole Kommunsverige and even many on the national level are very curious about how the decision will be,” she says.”