Dominique Blanc is the new President of the Swiss football Association (SFV). As a representative of the Amateurs he sat in the second ballot, scores against Kurt Zuppinger of the 1. League by.

The Swiss Football League was at that time already as a loser. Its candidate, Jean-François Collet was eliminated after the first ballot – because of a voice he had less than Zuppinger (29 to 30). contributed to

Crucial to this result Christian Constantin had . The President of FC Sion was not followed the recommendation of his colleagues of the Swiss Football League and voted for the company instead of Collet. He was of the view that, in the sense of Rotation of the candidate of 1. League group, and said so, as he requested prior to the first ballot, the microphone and the 101 delegates that encouraged them to follow his proposal.

Three candidates Constatin finds “arrogant”

in fact, had previously been the unwritten law that the three chambers in turn provide to the Association President. The rule was broken in 2001. Now once again all three of the chambers and, in particular, the Swiss Football League, with its own presidential competing candidate, called Constantin “arrogant”. This may sound for some, after a hard judgment. Constantin said: “It is the truth.” (ukä)

Created: 18.05.2019, 14:11 PM