Fie Laursen has recently been in a big shitstorm on the social media, after she advertised for sugardating.

Now follows the big brother Boris Laursen suit and being violently criticized on the social media Twitter, as a result of that he has made gambling advertisements.

Boris Laursen spend many hours to broadcast live on streamingsiden Twitch, where several hundred young people come with it. In the videos you can watch Boris Laursen play online casino.

See also: Known rages against Fie Laursen

It has been the association Alliance against Spilafhængighed to keys on Twitter who have shared a skærmoptagelse of Boris Laursens Instagram story, that shows a clip from his livesending.

– It is like cocaine it here – heroin!, says Boris Laursen excited in the video and adds:

– Not, now I am aggressive, stop Boris. There are children in the chat room.

It is not only the Alliance against Spilafhængighed, who is outraged by Boris Laursens videos. More followers raging also against Boris Laursen and write in the advertisement.

‘He advertises – primarily for children and young people – for the game of chance with a provider without a Danish gaming license. Big. Big. Klaphat..’, another writes:

‘This is just wrong and unsympathetic for so many reasons.’

Alliance against Spilafhængighed aims to reduce gambling addiction and spilafhængighed, particularly among children and young people. The chairman of the Alliance against Spilafhængighed Sune Røper, believes that Boris Laursen is a symptom of a fundamental problem in the legislation.

– He is just one example in an infinite variety of examples in an illegal placing on the market of money games in Denmark. There is no proper legislation, controls or possible penalty in Denmark, ” says Sune Røper to Ekstra Bladet.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Boris Laursen, who at present is in dialogue with the consumer ombudsman, as he does not want to do anything illegal.

– This is about to be kindled into something, it should not be, says Boris Laursen.

Inside on the streaming service Twitch, he has also chosen to use an alias when he wants to start something new abroad.

It is also one of the reasons why he does not advertise for gambling sites on Instagram, he says.

– I say also a constant in there that I do not encourage gambling. There are 18+ in my description, and I go under the category of ‘slots’, says Boris Laursen.

Alliance against Spilafhængighed do what they can to children and young people do not end up in addiction. They have met many young people in different spillegrupper, sitting with suicidal thoughts.

well-Known Here are all the scandals: Influencere in shitstorms

Therefore they have also repeatedly reported to the police advertising, addressed to children and young people.

Have you think you to politianmelde Boris Laursen?

– I think we’re doing a police report on it, says Sune Røper.

He also believes that policies should get your finger out and something done about the structural problem.

– We have several times tried to shout the politicians up in relationship with this problem. In contrast to other countries, it is system, to protect Danish children and young people against the illegal advertising for games of chance, not existing. It is miserable, to say the least, says Sune Røper and adds:

– the Advertisement should be taken down immediately. In other countries it would happen instantly and you get a gigantic fine for an offence such as this. It is machinery that is designed to create dependency and ultimately is the consequence of several suicide attempts in young people who become addicted.