“Can Kim and Trump supply in Vietnam?”

“Nordkoreaexperten Niklas Swanström believe that the two leaders ahead of the världspressens cameras will agree that the Korean war is formally over, after the truce has prevailed since 1953.”

“– It is positive, then both sides can say that they have delivered. But it should not be confused with nuclear disarmament, he says to TT.”

“The two countries can not write a formal peace treaty because such a also concern, among others, the UN, China and south Korea, observes, among others, The Washington Post.”

“A proud Trump claimed afterwards that the problem with north korea’s nuclear threats.”

“In a UN report presented in the beginning of February concluded that north korea’s nuclear program is still intact and that the country seems to have its nuclear weapons should not be destroyed by a military attack. This, among other things by spreading out production and use civilian buildings as airports for the assembly and testing of robots.”

“But on the other hand, north Korea after Singaporemötet not have any robottester and the anti-american propaganda in the society has been toned down properly.”

“Want to be kärnvapennation”

“Swanström, director for the Institute for security and development policy (I.S.D.P.) and that was in north Korea as late as in the autumn, says that the country is not likely to disarm their nuclear weapons in the near future. The weapons are too important from a security perspective and for the country’s national identity: north Korea wants to see itself as a kärnvapennation, it is even enshrined in the constitution.”

” I think we will see a nuclear-armed north Korea a long time to come. But the country will continue to destroy some forskningsinstallationer, desktop launchers and testtunnlar. There are things you don’t need anymore and that the US already knows where it is, ” he says.”

“thus, It is a big difference between to dismantle existing weapons, and to limit the development of new ones. In north korea’s case is the way towards real disarmament in length, a process which also includes security guarantees from the united states (as to soldiers and nuclear weapons to be moved from the region and to militärövningarna with south Korea ceases) and to American relations with the rest of the world is starting to normalize, according to Swanström. In this context, arises the difficult issues, such as how to engage north Korea without at the same time to strengthen a hard-line dictatorship.”

“– The most important thing, as I see it, is that in the negotiations now under way are created dialogkanaler between north Korea and the united states. Such create contacts and build trust.”

“The two-day summit will most likely be described as a great success from both the united states and north Korea, no matter what is said. The countries ‘ delegations are now in Hanoi and learn to work on the statements and a final text.”

“A possible outcome is that the international inspectors are invited to north Korea, but in the limited and supervised forms, track Swanström. The end result is, however, dependent on the personal chemistry between Trump and Kim, who both are known as strong and wayward individuals.”

“We can be extremely surprised, it may be that both are willing to go further than you thought,” he says.”

“in the Spring of 2018 thawed the relationship between the dictatorship of north Korea and the outside world, among others, after north korea’s participation in the winter OLYMPICS in the south Korean Pyeongchang.”

“On 27 april of the same year, met the leaders of the two Korean nations on the border between North and South and agreed to work towards a peace treaty and nuclear disarmament on the Korean peninsula.”

“A new summit is scheduled to take place on 27 and 28 February in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi.”

“Korea has through the centuries been hard-pressed on the basis of, than that of Japan than of China. At the turn of the century 1900 put Japan over Korea and in 1910 annexed the peninsula.”

“the Occupation ended with Japan’s defeat in the second world war in 1945. Korea was liberated by soviet and american troops that took the opposite part of the country. The idea was that Korea would be reunited, but North and South could not agree. The responsibility was transferred to the UN, but where was the discussions also fruitless. Instead was proclaimed in 1948 two brand new states: south korea and north Korea.”

“With the support from China and the Soviet union invaded north Korea in 1950, the neighbor to the south. The UN security council voted shortly thereafter to send the squad to south Korea’s defense. 16 countries were entered and were led, unofficially, by the united states.”

“the Korean war came to rage between 1950 and 1953, and also to involve China. Eventually ended up in a stalemate and in 1953, an agreement was reached on the ceasefire. No permanent peace treaty has been signed, but between the two Korean states there is a demilitarised zone.”

“the War is believed to have claimed upwards of five million deaths, close to 37 000 of them americans. After this period, the Korean peninsula has been divided between the Sovjetallierade north Korea and the US-backed south Korea. Then Sovjetimperiet foundered, and the support from Moscow ended, north Korea leaned towards China.”

“The communist north Korea was founded with soviet help in 1948, then Korea split into an american and a soviet ockupationszon after the second world war. A civil war between the North and the South raged 1950-53. The countries have never made peace, but a truce is still in.”

“The official ideology in north Korea extols”

“the Arbitrary arrests of critics of the regime, lack of the rule of law, and torture and ill-treatment of prisoners in the country’s prisons and detention centres is extensive. The data also shows that the country practises public executions for crimes like the theft of state property and the hoarding of food, as well as for serious crimes. According to human rights organization Amnesty International and the people that fled north Korea during the 2000s, there are large labour camps for dissidents.”

“north Korea is a nuclear state and a militarized society that puts major resources on its defense. According to the UN resolutions, the country must not fire the ballistic missiles or carry out nuclear tests. Repeated violations of these resolutions has led to the country been subjected to very substantial penalties.”

“Sources: Landguiden, NE with multiple”