Tickets for the peanuts and popcorn to foræringspris. Nordisk Film Cinemas are again and again plagued by fupmagere who try a general moviegoers ‘ money and account information by offering a trip to the movies for almost no money. And now mad again.

When calling up to the exhibitors ‘ servicetelefon to book a ticket, you are greeted by a message that warns about the latest attempt to cheat.

‘We are aware of the fact that there are sent sms’s out with with the offers of cheap popcorn and soda. This is not the text messages we have sent’, says the automated message.

She Wolfsberg, who is commercial director of Nordisk Film Cinemas, says that the problem with the fake mails and sms’are almost permanent.

– It is unfortunately quite normal. We have been exposed to a part of the kind, where someone tried is the lure of money or data from people. Therefore, we may warn in this way. And so politianmelder we it is, of course, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

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According to Vibeke Wolfsberg conducted the experiments on cheating in several different ways.

– One of them has been, that you could buy two cinema tickets for nine dollars. It is of course quite unrealistic, ” she says, and calls for people to use their common sense and, moreover, Czech well and thoroughly, who is the sender of such a message.

The commercial director says that Nordisk Films Cinemas will be politianmelde cases, although the police often have difficulties to put something up against the traffickers.

– the Police of course looks at the cases, but either it is not traceable, from which the sms’s and mails coming, or they are sent from the other side of the earth, she says.

Nordisk Film Cinemas has cinemas 22 locations in Denmark.