In the 100 metres freestyle was recorded pronunciation for the third best time in the trials, 52,37. Coleman led his heat from the start and never relinquished control.

“It felt good in the water, I was not so keen in the morning and your body gets a little sore from yesterday but I am super happy with it,” says Michelle Coleman to SVT Sport.

in the distance on the onsdagseftermiddagen, Swedish time. Where are she is once again on Mallory Comerford, the united states, which was the fastest in the trials. The two already met on Tuesday in the final of the dual distance, the 200 metres free. Where did Comerford silver and Coleman finished sixth.

“I want to have good power, but it may not cost too much and then I’ll really make use of the walls and my undervattensjobb,” says Coleman for the semi-final.

For the other two swedes in the water it was worse. Neither Gustaf Dahlman or Hanna Eriksson was close to move on from the attempts on their frisimsdistanser, 200 metres, respectively, 800 metres.

Coleman after day one in the sim world CUP: ”It’s not so bad any to be sixth in the world.”