Collin: the Swedish roads are a disgrace – politicians failing rural areas

Aftonbladet bilexpert Robert Collin on the poor roads in Sweden.

– the transport department pokes his nose, when time is not utilized to put up new speed cameras or lower speed.

Run on the mötesseparerade roads” calls NTF, Motormännen and the Swedish transport administration. Well, be happy. If they are on the highway. And if I were in a hurry.

Just took the holiday ends. And soon winter begins. Then starts the trouble again: Why can people not drive a car!

I drove all types of roads in the summer. And tried to get along with all types of motorists. Many should get pushed back to the driving school and take a couple of lessons to. Not at least in good manners and shape.

And how is it going with Tomas Eneroths major investment in road maintenance?

A turn at more than 200 miles on E18, E45 and E4 and a part of the national and county roads in July, hardly the appetite. How is it even possible that the quality of motorists and roads have become so much worse in 30 years?

All the cars have better handling characteristics, most have air conditioning, no man smokes now and all the cars are still sold with turn signals. Yet so bad. (You might think that at least those who want to restyling with the ”wandering” indicator should use them.)

And what is wrong with the congo free state? A young mother with a stroller walking on the sidewalk in my direction. So suddenly turn her stroller 90 degrees begins to cross the passage through.

With the pram as a battering ram. I tvärnitar. Pure luck for the kid, as the control that he molds his trafikmoral in Rimbo, that it has not had time to turn to winter.

Then the E18 towards Sweden. Now run the locals on parade in vänsterfilen. Not even in the infartstrafiken to Stockholm, is it ok to park in the vänsterfilen. Running in the right file. Run on the left. Is it so difficult?

A little careful dutt with the main-beam headlamps to be answered immediately with a finger or a deceleration. But what the hell: Wouldn’t it be better if you moved on you?

Even worse it will be when the highway narrows to a three lane road. When it warned about 400 metres away there is still all left to the left. Without running if. At the same time, swinging the car that everyone would drive on out towards the left and prevent overtaking.

as soon As it widened to two files turn all out in the left file again. But, to get to run on the supposedly slower car.

Hard on the bare ground, even harder with platskrävande massive amount of snow and slip (=poor winter road maintenance).

the Queues are extremlånga because it is not possible to run about.

national Highway 45, or the E45 as it is called now, is a shame for Sweden. And for Europe, haphazardly dragged into the misery of the and with the name change and the upgrade (?) a couple of years ago. When the plans for a Europavägnät was drawn up 70 years ago did well not to kostigar from the viking age would be.

the Queues are extremlånga because it is not possible to run about. It is just to come into line. But is it intended to create such frustration in the traffic? Tomas Eneroth: Do something! Say something. Make sure to buy a couple of metres plantain to so you dont have to be ashamed. And sit on the edge of it, after all, will a stockholmshipster on overtaking in a partial curve.

the Record of the lousy Road held by the stretch north of Orsa, by Finnskogarna. Second place is crossed with a risk of life around the Outer and Överhogdal in Härjedalen, sweden.

It would be better to turn off the road and wait for the vägmaskinerna. Now I had to make do with a couple of miles of new asphalt at Rottneros in Värmland as a sign of the Swedish transport administration’s goodness.

the 6.5 meter wide road. Sometimes even narrower. A truck is 255 cm. A broad caravan 250. 505 cm together without a margin between the cars. And without the door mirrors included. So, it becomes a vingelmån on a meter. Then a bråddjupt ditch and the late great furor and even heavier rock on the other side of the ditch.

ice age la out the stones. Norwegian vikings and ” built the road. The Swedish transport administration, pokes his nose, when time is not utilized to put up new speed cameras or lower speed. Or think of the other stitches (farthindren in Strömsund takes so much place to refugernas sharp kerbstones are / or French was the only one).

vision zero means absolutely zero in Sweden’s inland. ”We should invest in rural areas”, said the politicians ahead of the elections. Zero truth.

I branches county road 331 down against the E4 in Sundsvall. As narrow as the E45, With equally sudden and deep ditches. But less busy. Even if långtradarna becoming more and more. Timber trucks do hold out well when we meet, but the baltic citizens usually retains a prudent distance to the trench, and without releasing the throttle (though in the winter the baltic citizens, not timber trucks, which is located in the trench).

E4, Sweden’s main artery. And not even highway the entire distance north to Sundsvall. 3-fältsvägar both in Skåne and along the coast of Norrland. A long stretch at the Gnarp has not even a barrier in the middle. Chanstagarna drive Audi and BMW, is three meters behind me until omkörningstillfälle by the narrowest of margins present themselves.

Many of these motorists are unskillful drivers. The mindless. Unfocused on driving.

When we pulled down on the resources to put out forest fires, and it brazenly enough yet began to burn, we asked the EU for help. It worked. And Nato does not seem alien to save us from the russians, because we can’t afford a private defense.

So please Eneroth, can you not ask again? If your own money is not enough. And if you still are responsible for the roads. The EU may want to fix our roads also, so that their citizens can find their way through Sweden? And enjoy the holidays instead of sitting terrified in the car.

Sweden always up when fårbönderna and growers in southern Spain’s rural feel offended if they don’t get a nice highway through the fields. Eneroth (or your replacement), make a try!