“SHL Swedish national ice hockey league”

“Directed harsh criticism against the judges after the loss.”

“VÄXJÖ. Örebro’s coach Niklas Eriksson was very unhappy with the judges after the loss against Växjö.”

“– They do two jättemissar in the end. I looked at both situations right after the game to be completely safe. But Daniel Rahimi moves målburen when we have an open goal. It’s tough when you get to fight against the judges also, ” says Niklas.”

“– the Judges take a wrong decision, admit domarchefen Thomas Thorsbrink.”

“It is an exaggeration to say that Niklas Eriksson is raging, but by his standards it is very harsh words after suddenförlusten against Växjö”

“it is a situation directly at the beginning of the first extension period, in which Jordan Boucher got a jätteläge in front of Viktor Fasth who made a breathtaking rescue in förstaskedet.”

“But while the puck lying free com Daniel Rahimi and further Växjö-player thrown into the målburen, who flew all the world’s way.”

“But the judges waved deterrence.”

“– the Judges believe that it is one of our players who knock out Rahimi in the målburen, but it is clearly visible in the pictures that this is not the case, ” says Niklas Eriksson.”

“did not talk with the judges”

“The other situation was just before the Växjö crucial goals, then Bob believes that one of his players was convicted of an opponent.”

” It is behind him, he gets convicted and torque after doing Växjö its cost, says Niklas.”

“But he could not express their opinions directly to the judges afterwards. The door is closed during the playoffs.”

“– Yes, it has gone out a very clear directive, we should not talk with the judges, ” says Örebrotränaren.”

“– But it should also be a good assessment. Then they should see when målburen be moved, it is very easy to see. The second situation is a bit more difficult.”

“Domarchef Tomas Thorsbrink allows for Sportbladet that the judgment at the moved målburen was wrong. “

“– We’ve peeked at the event and it should be a punishment. Växjö is moving deliberately on the målburen and because it is in the overtime there shall be punishment. Had it been on the game so it would have been a two minute expulsion. But in the overtime or in the last two spelminuterna so is the punishment, ” he says.”

“– the Judges take a wrong decision.”

“Throwing water bottle towards the booth”

“Even Växjö coach Sam Hallam was a bit annoyed afterwards, when he took up a thrown water bottle come sliding from The booth.”

“– We work so hard with the values in this league, so I hope that it passes. But the risk is that it will be shutting down in many years, ” he said cryptically at the press conference.”

” No, I’m just kidding.”

“Few understood the joke in this case. Or the irony. And a noticeably irritated Sam Hallam did not explain what he meant, or even what had happened.”

“Niklas Eriksson has his own explanation.”

” It was probably a bit of it here with Shinnimin and his suspension. That was how I perceived it. There was probably no one else noticed any water bottle.”

“nFörsta period: 1-0 (18.17) Philip Cederqvist (Tuomas Kiiskinen, Julius Junttila), 1-1 (19.26) Patrik stream I sculpture (Jonathan Andersson).nAndra period: 1-2 (4.22) Tyson Spink (Tom Wandell), game five against four, 2-2 (8.38) Kris Versteeg (Roman Horak, Linus Fröberg).nFjärde period: 3-2 (5.33) Nichlas Hardt (Julius Junttila).nSkott: 30-19 (6-7, 15-4, 7-7, 2-1).nUtv, Växjö: 3×2. Örebro: 4×2.nDomare: Linus Öhlund, Älvsbyn and Tobias Björk, Boden.nPublik: 4 579.”