– We can make a deal here and now. It is no problem. We shall be like Norway out, no one likes Norway. Norway home. Denmark and Sweden on. We can make a deal here.

so says the Danish forsvarsstjerne Henrik Møllgaard with a twinkle in the eye to the Swedish Expressen ahead of the crucial WORLD cup match tonight against Sweden.

A victory for Sweden in three or four goals would send both Denmark and Sweden progress to the semi-finals, while Norway is out and must settle for a fight for fifth or sixth.

And the quotations from Møllgaard has also reached Norway, where Nettavisen writes ‘English profile open for match-fixing in the WORLD cup drama”.

another Danish profile, breathes also to the fire.

– I do not like the fact that Norway is going on, but we are, of course, after winning the battle. If I had to choose, so I would probably rather have some teammates from the Rhein-Neckar Löwen from Sweden”, says Mads Mensah to NRK.

And the tv station’s håndboldekspert confirms that the terrible seen with Norwegian eyes can happen.

– There is a real possibility that Denmark and Sweden are playing on the result. Of course, it is in Norway’s disadvantage, says Håvard Tvedten, who believes that he experienced agreed to play at euro 2012, where Slovenia gave Iceland two goals in the final phase, which was bad for Norway.

the national Coach Christian Berge do not want, to Denmark and Sweden agreements out of the last round.

– Agreed, the game is completely unheard of for me. It is a thought that is completely foreign to me, says Berge to NRK.

the Swedes buy, however, not the agreement.

– No, it is not in the least in our thoughts. We go in with the attitude that we must play a really good match and get the best possible result. It is not going to bet on the outcome of the way in the handball, says as the winger Niclas Ekberg to Expressen.

– you Must be completely honest, so come the enough not to put themselves in the here battle. The 15,000 fans who pay the tickets, so no, it’s not happening. We will try to win with as many goals as possible, says the injured bagspiller Jim Gottfridsson.

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Nikolaj Jacobsen came with, when Sweden and Norway met Monday. Photo: Jens Dresling

Nikolaj Jacobsen after the defeat against Sweden at the european championships last year. Photo: Lars Poulsen

34-35 lost Denmark in the european championship semifinals against Sweden last year. Can Sweden win the two goals are greater this time, both Denmark and Sweden further, while Norway is out. Photo: Lars Poulsen

Denmark and Sweden have a history that suggests they can find out to play each other again, when both have advantage of it.

At the european football championship in 2004, Denmark and Sweden are to send each other forth with the result 2-2, and it was exactly what the fight ended, so Italy ever since have spoken of collusion.

The battle remember Henrik Møllgaard well.

– Yes, of course. It was amazing. Sovereign, says Møllgaard, who would like to see a similar solution on Wednesday evening.

– yes-Yes, it is no problem, laughing Møllgaard, while Mikkel Hansen expect that it will be difficult to arrange.

– of course, There will be times in matches where you can come to such a scenario. But then it becomes something tactical to relate to. Our focus is on winning the fight, and we would like to take advantage of our momentum, says Hansen to the newspaper.

A two-goal win for Sweden can also give Norway problems. Should Norway win 29-25 against Hungary, while Sweden beats Denmark 29-27, and then Denmark again, while Norway and Sweden must draw lots for the semi-final. Norwegian national coach Christian Berge rejects, however, that he will be the person who draws, he loses always in the sweepstakes.

the Danish WORLD cup profile worse damaged than expected