the other Day I read an article in Aftonbladet title Sportbladet. It was about the children that wearing the veil should not appear on the image with the reasoning that the pictures are encouraging and show that ”they like and encourage hedersförtryck: female genital mutilation, child marriage, honor-related violence”.

and with that I am wearing a veil and elittränar I have a few thoughts and opinions about this topic.

to begin with, I want to briefly summarize the reason behind this garment. The veil is a garment for women and girls to carry to feel safe.

where the girls and women are sexualised because of their appearance. Guys and men are attracted by how a woman’s body looks like, and some of them have a non-profit image of his dream girl, which, for example, that she should have big tits, big big ass and the body should be curvy as an hourglass. More and more performing skönhetsoperationer to purchase products that ”coffee to get you going down in weight”, and this, in turn, can lead to eating disorders.

A woman should not have to be convicted for their appearance, especially not 2019 then the freedom should take more and more place. Why is it just the veil as a garment that should always be singled out as a threat or a problem? We the people must learn to go after the other properties that disregarded the appearance, personality and interests.

Girls who wear the veil have just as much right to appear on the slide as other children. People associate the veil with violence, child marriage and genital mutilation are ignorant. They have in this case completely misunderstood the religion of islam.

to the violence. On the contrary, islam is a picture and a guideline for people to learn to treat their fellow human beings with love and compassion. Never ever has God called on muslims to kill thousands of innocent, and therefore you are ignorant in this subject if you associate a religion with terrorism and other forms of negativity.

I believe that the now-resigned simförbundsordföranden Ulla Gustavsson’s reasoning to why children with the veil shall be excluded from the images is irrelevant.

If we would reverse the roles and we assume that it is a woman with a veil photographing children. The photographer in the veil think it is inappropriate that the child in shorts and t-shirt with the set hair should be in the image because the image calls for kroppshets. What would you as a parent to this bart felt and thought in that case?

in the child’s situation, do you really need to be excluded from the community because of your attire? The remaining children will most likely learn of the documents and treat other people in the same way in the future.

Children, girls and women who wear an item of clothing associated with the religion or culture is brave. They dare to wear the clothes they want to and radiate a nice personality, despite the fact that many have to endure hate for this. I wear the veil with pride when I represent Sweden at the championships. This pride should all know how they look.

Style of dress and clothing can never be associated with anything evil. Every human being has the right to determine when, why, and what it would take for the garments, whether it is about the veils, yarmulkes or mitror.

of your identity, and you by yourself create your identity, no one else. An article of clothing does not make us less capable to sports and other things.