If the ZSC Lions want to organize a Ping Pong tournament, have you since yesterday, the perfect man for the job. Or if you want to know how you generated with table tennis 200’000 dollars for a charitable Foundation. Or if you want to know how a young man overcomes a severe blow of fate. But of course, the Swiss master has committed to the 38-year-old canadian Dominic Moore for a different reason: Because he is to help to heave the ZSC still into the Playoff.

For the past three weeks, Moore is now in Switzerland. Actually, he had intended to secure as so often in the last few years, in the fall of a NHL-contract. His reputation Overseas is impeccable, he is regarded as a complete Two-way forward who can also play on the wing, and as a Leader with enormous positive influence in the dressing room.

return to the favorite country

But this time a Club is reported not to at the last Moment. After a total of 998 to Play for ten different NHL Teams, the continuation of the career remained in limbo – two games in front of the thousands of miles of stone. Moore stayed with his former College Team Harvard fit, the American Elite University. But nothing happened. And so he seized the Initiative, deposited with Hockey Canada to be interest, at the Spengler Cup. He wanted match practice, knew the tournament from the TV. And was able to travel in one of his favorite countries.

In the summer of 2015, he was already here once – the honeymoon led him from lake Como to Geneva. And two years ago, he explored with Mary to Switzerland, after they had previously visited in Wimbledon, the tennis tournament. It looks cheesy: In the Sport of Tennis Moores was love other big, in real life, Mary is his second.

Of heavy blows of fate

Moore met was 32 when his wife Katie died. The two had met at Harvard, know, were, together, traveled to New York, Pittsburgh, Minnesota, Toronto, Miami and Montreal to San Jose. Katie was going to write a novel. Then, in the spring of 2012, she was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive Form of liver cancer. Less than a year later, she succumbed to him.

It was a harrowing experience for Moore. For an athlete, in the best years, was as exemplary and popular, and whose Name was until then, but from the whole of the other, inglorious reasons. Eight years earlier his brother Steve had been crushed in an NHL Match between Vancouver’s Todd Bertuzzi from behind with full force on the ice. He suffered massive injuries to the head and in the spine area, never to return. Bertuzzi was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and pleaded guilty, the last procedure, in which it also went to millions of dollars in damages, was completed by a plurality of the court only in 2014 – a decade after the incident.

Not that this experience would have needed to expand the horizon of his brother. Dominic Moore graduated at Harvard in sociology, and for many years was on the Executive Board of the players ‘ Union NHLPA. And yet it was able to prepare nothing of all this to the illness of his wife.

“come, None of us get out of here alive. It’s about the character, the spirit you show.”Dominic Moore

After three Playoff Games with San Jose, had brought him extra for the most important season phase, disappeared in Moore from one day to the other out of the squad, the Sharks. The whole of the next season 2012/13 – the NHL Lockout already shortened – he continued. Went with Katie back to the East coast, spent night after night in her hospital bed. “None of us would ever in a defeat,” said Moore at the time, compared to the canadian newspaper “Globe and Mail”, “it is in our nature.”

Those nights, weeks, months have shaped him. “None of us comes out alive. It’s about the character, the spirit you show. People like Lance Armstrong are hailed as the winner, because you have defeated the cancer. Yet, millions of people are struggling as well, and much harder – and still die of cancer.”

What part belongs to in the spring of 2013, two months after Katie’s death, to read in the “Globe and Mail”, not exactly standard reading in the sport.

the thing with The ping-pong

And yet it was the beginning of a new life with new hope. Because after the diagnosis, the Moores created a Foundation. “The Katie Moore Foundation” takes care of families affected by rare types of cancer, supports research projects, provides educational work. And since Ping-Pong in the game.

in Harvard Tennis was the second sporting love by Dominic Moore. He had played at a good College-level, now he combined the love for the round Ball with the need to cope with a life crisis, to create awareness and to help others. In August 2012, he organized in Toronto the first so-called “Smash,” in which prominent hockey player for the good purpose of the ping-pong measure. Since then, the tournament was held every summer, generated a total of 865’000 dollars for the research of rare cancers and concussions. The last Smash threw the record amount of 200’000 dollars, and attracted VIPs from the former rapper wiler Doug Gilmour to William Nylander, the extra from Sweden arrived.

“It is very satisfying,” says Moore about his project, which had 2018 for the fourth Time in a row, the same winner: Patrick Eaves of the Anaheim Ducks. “He is the Roger Federer of the Smash,” says ZSC is the latest striker.

A fighter and a Leader on and off the field

That you hope to the struggling champion from one with such a biography, but also off the ice the positive influence is obvious. Moore speaks thought, with a quiet voice, laughs a lot. It is not a Laugh, the want to convince others. It seems to have come.

“I’ve done told me the truth, no thoughts, as it is sporty more to go,” said Moore on the first day of the Spengler Cup. He was stormed with Mary in Davos and Team Canada at the side of Lugano Maxim Lapierre and Fribourg Jacob Micflikier. He learned shortly thereafter by his team-mate Maxim Noreau, that the ZSC interested for his services. And so his way for the time being back in the NHL – but at least in one of his favorite countries.

your flight back to North America, the Moore is no longer needed. They stayed after new year’s eve in Switzerland, on Friday, Dominic saw in Zurich, hall, and dressing rooms, on Monday, he wrote. Today at the Warm-up he is for the first time with his new colleagues on the ice. He sees Noreau and Kevin Klein, his colleagues from the New York times. And if the work permit arrives in time, he could meet in the evening also Lapierre – back on the ice again, this time on the opposite side.

“None of us would ever in a defeat”: The ZSC, there was never one who embodies this attitude better than Dominic Moore. (Tages-Anzeiger.ch/Newsnet)

Created: 08.01.2019, 11:29 PM