It is incomprehensible that the vat does not become lowered as a part of the recovery plan, as a wide majority of political parties agreed on the night to Monday.

It takes the Liberal party’s president, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, whose party has been behind a controversial proposal to halve the vat in the rest of the 2020.

– Incomprehensible reluctance to reduce vat, which gives more money between their hands to all and create tens of thousands of jobs, writes Jakob Ellemann-Jensen on Twitter.

the Left suggested a month ago to cut vat from 25 percent to 12.5 percent in the remainder of this year.

It had to lift the consumption in Denmark and creating an estimated 10,000 jobs in the country.

According to the Liberal party’s calculations would a product before cost 100 dollars, now cost 90 dollars.

the Proposal momshalveringen was, however, met with scepticism from among the other’s top economists.

Current overvismand Carl-Johan Dalgaard pointed in Berlingske that there was a risk that the proposal would create “some national economic skvulp, which is not at all desirable’.

Among other things because a part of the consumption that would come in the rest of 2020, if the Liberal party’s proposal was implemented, would result in a less consumption next year.

Carl-Johan Dalgaard assessed at the same time, that it would be unsafe, how much and how fast the prices of goods would fall.

Jakob Ellemann-Jensen points on Twitter that the agreement on the recovery of the Danish economy ‘is as good as it could be, and his party is also a part of the agreement’.

He is referring to, that there will be made efforts for the export and aviation, as well as to the citizens, get paid three weeks of frozen holiday pay.

It’s the same Liberal finansordfører, Troels Lund Poulsen, who took part in the negotiations.

– We should have time in the domestic consumption. Therefore we note also with satisfaction that there are three of ferieugerne, which is now being paid.

– in Addition, we must have in our export, we need to keep the hand under them. Therefore, it has been crucial for us, that we are going to strengthen our export companies, he says.