the SPD, greens and the Left have criticised the Federal education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) for Comments on the marriage for all and children with homosexual parents sharp. The Left-the Deputy Doris Achelwilm said the Newspapers of the Funke media group, Karliczek consider the living conditions of children with same-sex parents is not sufficient explored, to be “annoying denial of reality”.

Karliczek dress “prejudice in the improper Reasons”. Society and science would not provide sufficient evidence that children from rainbow families worse than others.

There are already many studies on rainbow families

in fact, there are already numerous studies from home and abroad, the Situation of children in rainbow families light. Probably the most comprehensive to comes from the United States: It is a long-term study that accompanied a lesbian couple and their children since the 1980s (find an Overview here). Only in the past year, an Update of the study had come out. Tenor at the time, that The children of these families grow up like other families and have also, in later years, no disadvantages compared to other forms of Family grown up people.

The Federal government itself had the child’s well-being in rainbow families even in 2009, to investigate, on behalf of the then Federal Minister of justice Brigitte Zypries (SPD). Also in the case of this study, it came out that these children develop just as well as children in traditional family forms (this study can be found here, and at this Link 34 for more scientific articles on the topic are listed).

Karliczek spread “discriminatory nonsense,” from Dinamobet the Left

Karliczek had said also, that the introduction of marriage for all non-sufficient society had been debated. Also the “discriminatory nonsense,” said Achelwilm. “The ‘marriage for all’ could be decided in 2017 in the Bundestag, because the majority of the population was immune to the disease.” Surveys had shown, in fact, a widespread support for marriage for all – even among Union supporters.

The Green MEP Sven Lehmann has accused the Minister of a “redneck attitude”. Karliczek’ve slept with”, apparently the last few decades,” said Lehmann, the spark of Newspapers. Also Lehmann was referring to the numerous existing studies on children of same-sex parents.

family Minister Giffey criticized her Cabinet colleague

the Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD) rejected Karliczeks Statements. “Today, studies show that children develop in homosexual partnerships, as well as in families with a mother and a father,” said Giffey, the Newspapers of the editorial network in Germany. “What matters is that people care deeply about their children. Children need a good family climate and good relationships with those who care for them.”

Karliczek, had spoken out in an Interview with the news channel n-tv for a long time of study to the question, what is the impact of same-sex Parenting has on children. It is a question of “changing something”. At the same time, they criticized the marriage for all, was rushed been introduced. At the time of the vote in the Bundestag in 2017 she had voted against the introduction of marriage for all.

on The criticism of your Comments would not comment Karliczek on Thursday on request. (Qsp/AFP)

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Karoline Harthun

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