the Name Peter Sartz is almost legendary in the Danish table tennis.

As the Danish national coach he was in charge of some of the largest results, Michael Mazes Top 12 victory in 2004, Maze and Finn Tugwells OLYMPIC bronze in 2004 as well as the european championship for teams in 2005, before he in 2013 took leave of Denmark and returned to Sweden.

Here he is in the forefront of the women’s team – but there is joy and gammen. Far from it, in fact.

the 53-year-old swede is come contrary headwinds, after the 18-year-old stortalent Ellen Holmsten has chosen to stop on the national team because of the constant sexist comments from national coach.

In her blog she described new year’s day, what she has been exposed, and that already in 2017 complained broadly about Sartz’ atmosphere, as the female players felt was far over the line.

– Comments on the mood became better, when the girls played in the skirt to training, or that maybe I should record my matches, if I just shot myself in the bedroom, or why I didn’t change position in the backhand, just as well as I change position in the bedroom.

– It is also about more comments, that was not for me and not only was sexist, but it is not me who must tell of them, she writes.

the Federation’s sports director, Mikael Andersson, explains to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, that there is support for Peter Sartz. He has held a meeting with the players, which just now is to landsholdssamling. Here he asked, on the tone is, as Holmsten has described it.

– There is a strong support to Peter as the national coach in the group – there is no talk about this matter.

– Peter enjoys the full confidence from the players here, and he also has my trust, says Mikael Andersson.

Emma Holmsten says that she has after her blog post has received inquiries from former players, who used familiarly to her descriptions – and that no current players dare say anything for fear of losing the square.

Even she is not in any doubt as to what the consequence should be.

– I think that they should fire him. It is patently obvious.

– The most important thing is that they are all the time talking with the players. There is never any who have spoken with me. Ever, she says.

The Swedish bordtennisforbund have launched an investigation and hope to come up with a review in the next week.