“A day of joy for the copyright holders, but the free debate will be the loser. It considers the journalist Emanuel Karlsten, who sees both profits and problems with the EUROPEAN settlement of the copyright.”

“the Journalist Emanuel Karlsten has followed closely the work of the EU copyright directive, which can be the way to go in the goal. The winners are the copyright holders who have been given a mandate to require that sites signs a license agreement to publish copyrighted material.”

“– the Losers are of course sites that now need to find some way, a filter, to ensure that nothing that their users publish containing any kind of image, text, video, or whatever it may be, that it has not paid the gpl.”

“the Filters with constraints”

“The free debate also belong to the losers because the automatic filters are difficult to make precise, consider the Emanuel Karlsten.”

“– Say that the screenshots of an article from Expressen, as you want kritsera in social media. Then, it is difficult for a filter to separate what is legitimate criticism, satire, parody or copyright infringement.”

“The fundamental problem, consider the Emanuel Karlsten, is that the EU puts the responsibility for what is upphovsrättbrott on the private site owners.”

“– Because there are sites that are straffansvariga if a crime has been committed, it becomes more important for them to trap than free because you don’t want to sit with a fine.”

“He also points to a problem for smaller sites.”

“– The giants may have advice, but how does it look like for a small site, as the Swedish forum Family life? Will they be able to afford to implement a filter that ensures that no copyrighted texts or pictures posted?”

“Social media will be different in the future, if the EU copyright directive goes through, he stresses.”

“– It is just to look at their own social media and see how many screenshots funny pictures, criticisms or videos. And how different it will be when the type of the splits may not be able to pass in the same way.”