Each time, the traffic to a halt on the country’s roads, it strikes the state in someone’s room over at the per-minute rate.

It provides a socio-economic loss, when the labour potential is being held back, and the Danish road directorate has now for the first time figured out how much time we spend on hold in the queue, and what the overall cost to us.

By analyzing the GPS data from 2016 is the authority reached, that the danes used 77 million. hours to keep in line this year. They assume that the many hours could be spent working, is the equivalent to 60,000 full-time jobs. Or roughly € 24 billion. crowns in a year.

It is evidenced by a new note, the Danish road directorate has published, and as TV2 have described.

– It is no surprise that the cows are costing us 24 billion per year, but it is a big number, say a department manager in the Danish road directorate, Andreas by the frederikshavn-göteborg, to TV 2.

The socio-economic consequences of “stop-go” was last calculated in 2010, but here the focus was exclusively on the metropolitan area. However, it is also in this part of the country, that the danes spend the most time to keep in the queue.

According to the Danish road directorate is the delay in the metropolitan area increased by 25 percent from 2010 to 2016, and measured throughout the Capital Region used car drivers 140.000 hours a day to keep in line in 2016. This corresponds to 42 percent of the total number of spildtimer.

On the second place follows the Region of Midtjylland with 68.000 hours of queuing on the day, while the Region of southern denmark takes third place with 61.000 hours. Then there is a big jump down to the Region of Zealand with of 42,000 hours, and the least troubled of the queue was north of Jutland, with just 24.000 hours a day.

Behind the Directorate calculations is data from the 3 billion. data points distributed over the entire country, and the authority has also been able to differentiate the individual types from each other. It turns out that the vast majority of spildtimerne being used on “stop-go” in ” – it will say in the cities.

Here reached the delay according to the note up to 254.000 køretøjstimer per day in 2016.

On the country’s motorways wasted the danes ‘just’ 51.000 hours a day, but the congestion pr. miles is still greater here. This is because according to Andreas by the frederikshavn-göteborg from the Danish road directorate, to the highway constitutes a much smaller proportion of the total road network than kommunevejene.

– Kommunevejnettet constitute 95 percent of the total vejnets length, so it is not surprising that there is also more congestion here. But most congestion per kilometer of road, is the vast majority of congestion on the motorways, he says to TV2.