With tilbagestrøget hair and a cigar in the corner of his mouth was the charismatic German Rudi Assauer, a well-known face in the Bundesliga for many years.

In a number of years he was the sports director and the coach of Schalke 04, where he downloaded the Danish stars such as Ebbe Sand, Christian Poulsen and Søren Larsen, but the ‘Stump-Rudi’, as he was called, has unfortunately smoked his last cigar. the

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Rudi Assauer was rarely seen without a cigar. Photo: Lars Poulsen

At the age of 74 of the German legend passed away, confirms several German media outlets as well as Assauers former club, Schake 04.

The German legend did not hide, he the last years of his life lived with the serious illness of Alzheimer’s. It came out in 2012.

As the Assauers former player Ebbe Sand joined as Brøndbys new team he will play for, said the dane just Assauer as a model.

– He was great to back his players up. He was a charismatic guy, he was close to his players. I will also put up to. The players will always be able to come to me, he said in the fall, according to Ritzau.

Ebbe Sand, with the north Rudi Assauer. Photo: POLFOTO

Ebbe Sand already knew how to Assauers disease, since it came public, he told Extra Magazine in 2012. Sand visited at the time Assauer, whose memory had begun to fail as a result of his illness. the

– I had made a powerpoint presentation and some video clips that I showed him. I could happily notice that I had him with, but he also had difficulty in remembering more of the things. It was clear, said the Sand and continued:

– I’m Rudi forever grateful that he picked me up for Schalke just after I had come me over my testicular cancer. Since I had to move on, but also, that anyone would believe that I could deliver. He did.

The first reactions on the Assauers death is starting to come from the German world football.

Assauer managed to win the UEFA Cup in 1997 with Schalke 04, while it was also to pokaltriumfer in both 2001 and 2002.