Car for almost ten years, Google is working on the development of self-propelled cars, but until now it remained pilot projects where there is little to nothing known about it was made. “Next month comes to an end”, has a person to news agency Bloomberg revealed. The first commercial taxi service – without drivers – a fact.

For the taxi service has Alphabet, the parent company of Google, Waymo in the life called. Starting next month, it would no longer to a shady pilot, but for a serious commercial company, taxis Sultanbet without a human driver effort and directly competing against, among more Uber. The taxi service is given according to the person’s own name, but that, too, is next month to be disclosed.

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Initially will Waymo still an employee in the self-propelled taxi let sit. Who need to customers on your way with the new technology and in an emergency can intervene. In pilot projects going Waymo after next month too, by using taxi’s which is completely not an employee is travelling. Waymo want the service, eventually, a large number of urban areas in the U.S. to introduce and then cross the sea to other continents, including Europe.