Riiber stood over langrennet after having had major problems in the ski jump. The run in the ground got strong criticism. Riiber was with four straight wins before Sunday’s race, but with verdenscuplederen away opened up an opportunity for competitors.

In the Riibers absence had Joergen Graabak 38 seconds up to the leader, but he won nonetheless, after taking Johannes Rydzek and Fabian Riessle in tomorrow’s.

– It always feels good to win. With Earl gone, there was a chance for others to take the chance, and I am glad that I took the chance, ” said Graabak in the seiersintervjuet.

It makes me very happy. I have never been on the podium in Ramsau before. I had not expected it when we were on the last 300 metres and I was on the third place. I am very happy that I was the first, he added.

Espen Bjørnstad was the second best Norwegian in sixth. Espen Andersen was 13.-man.

Lugget in the run

Verdenscupleder Riibers failed jumps were Sunday’s big talking point. Some blocks came loose in the slot, and then Riiber finally put downhill, he thought that lugget. The Norwegian country far up in the ground and chose to stand over langrennet.

– first, it is dangerous. Second, it is sporty unsustainable, said sportssjef Ivar Stuan to NTB.

the protest

Lasse Ottesen, renndirektør in The international skiforbundet (FIS), did not agree in Stuans statements.

I do not agree that this is a disaster. It is Riiber even as the loosening of the ice blocks behind the boom. We stop and costs the track from the top down, and instead of running one prøvehopper, we run the two. Then it was clean and the pace was as it should. The jury is then told that everything is ok, and they get approval from all sides, including from the prøvehopperne not had any problems. When we choose to give the approval, explained Ottesen to NTB.

the Uk entered a protest, but it was not taken to the result. Nevertheless rescued Graabak day for the Norwegian team.