the Races will run from Tuesday to Sunday.

the games will take place in Hangzhou in China.

The Swedish team consists of nine swimmers: Michelle Coleman, Tramway, Hanna Eriksson, Jönköping, Hanna Rosvall, Ängelholm, sweden, Christoffer Carlsen, Helsingborg, sweden, Gustaf Dahlman, Västerås, Adam Paulsson, Elfsborg, Erik Persson, Kungsbacka, Simon Sjödin Neptun, Johannes Skagius, Neptun.

Världscupsäsongen was tough and intense for the Swedish star Sarah Sjöström. Therefore she took the decision to say no to kortbane world CUP.

instead she is at home in Stockholm and exercise

the Sisters Louise and Sophie Hansson were both CUP-clear, but chose to say no.

the Sisters are studying now in the united states, where they have competed a lot during the autumn and was responsible for fast times, their focus is next year’s långbanesäsong and therefore, they choose away kortbane world CUP.

After the summer’s european CHAMPIONSHIPS moved långdistanssimmaren Victor Johansson to the united states in order to combine it with studies at the University of Southern California.

the Idea was that he would have swum the world CUP, but a back injury put an end.

– a Few weeks of rehab waiting before I can be in the water again. I will be working my back and be ready for the challenges that await 2019, wrote Victor on his Instagram account.

Many of the world’s best swimmers do as Sarah Sjöström and stands over kortbane world CUP, but certainly there are a lot of interesting names in the starting field.

the French huguenots, frisians Ranomi Kromowidjojo will be fighting for the medals in the short fjärilsims and frisimsdistanserna.

Double world CUP gold medallist in the 50 and 100 metres freestyle, 2017 Caleb Dressel from the united states is reported.

OLYMPIC and world CHAMPIONSHIPS gold medallist Emily Seebohm from Australia are in the fight for the medals, and of course Hungarian star Katinka Hosszu. A simmästerskap without the ”iron lady” from Hungary would be nothing simmästerskap.

Finalpassen broadcasted in SVT directly with the start 11.55.

Painless Coleman to swim fast in the world CUP