“Gustavsson: It is the law that SSL need”

“Spelarjackpott last year.”

“Attendance lows in the SSL – but Warberg, and Visby has the potential to become the lever with which to reverse the trend and ensure that publiksnittet once again reach the four-digit. “

“Hagunda and Team Thorengruppen in all it’s glory, Warberg and Visby is it that SSL need right now. “

“Sure, floorball has failed to reach that publikidrott in order to and may never reach there, but probably should attendance be able to be better than they are right now.”

“the Cut in the SSL in the winter landed on the extremely mediocre 865 people. “

“the Highest average ever, 1188 people on the dot ten years ago, is not a figure that frightens, but the world’s best players in the world’s best league that plays the world’s best floorball does not attract a thousand people on average, I think, is somewhat embarrassing.”

“It is possible to point to a number of factors: the lack of publiktradition, enhanced webcasts, weak arrangements, the absence of profiles, defensivorienterad floorball. “

“Or, to swear in the innebandybubblan, simply: people do not think that floorball is interesting enough.”

“however, There is a big and crucial factor that affects the numbers:”

“What teams are playing in the SSL.”

“Last year was the spelarjackpott in SSL when the stars Kim Nilsson, Johan Samuelsson and Rasmus Sundstedt återintog the league after lir in the other leagues.”

“this year is the potential for a lagjackpott.”

“Both Warberg and Visby is ahead in the crucial qualifiers to the SSL (where they are set against the raketresande Hagunda and potential SSL återvändaren Team Thorengruppen). “

“Two real publiklag.”

“Both teams had their top publiksnitt (825, respectively, 1034 people) stepped straight into the top half of the publikligan in the SSL.”

“Visby had positioned itself as the fifth.”

“there is No ”walk in the park””

“Then one can – without having the evidence of what the history says – certainly be able to adopt, not least in the Warbergs cases, where the numbers could be salted a little to of the games in the SSL.”

“Several other team’s attendance figures would certainly also be increased by having Warberg on the visit rather than the Lindås (the baby of the team, you know). “

“the Journey of SSL will, however, be no ”walk in the park” groups play. “

“Warberg, stepping in against Hagunda, two clubs with a total differential elithistorik where Warberg is the prestigious club, with several SM-gold in the cabinet, and where Hagunda is the raketresande the club that continues to go on any form of intoxication. Warberg, stepping in with favorittryck, home advantage and history, which in this case may be a press, while the Hagunda more have everything to gain.”

“Visby is the storsatsande the club that accumulated failures on high, but which have now finally reached a crucial qualification, and where you may live with an ”underdog”stamp against a Team Thorengruppen who have home advantage, fairly fresh SSL experience and have made this journey sooner.”

“A piece from the tusingen, but…”

“which team will have the most support from the crowd, it is, however, no doubt about.”

“Compared with 864 people.”

“Still a bit away from the tusingen, but a huge step in the right direction. “

“A positive injection that would be needed in a league that lost the audience three years in a row. “

“the SSL needs all the boost it can after the winter marathon SSL-conflict, declining publiktrender and what I am experiencing – failing interest to the public.”

“Warberg and Visby has the potential to become the lever with which to reverse the trend and ensure that publiksnittet once again reach the four-digit.”

“Hagunda and Team Thorengruppen in all it’s glory, Warberg and Visby is it that SSL need right now. “

“2018u002F19: 864n2017u002F18: 890 n2016u002F17: 916 n2015u002F16: 1 014 n2014u002F15: 1 009 n2013u002F14: 972 n2012u002F13: 933 n2011u002F12: 1 014 n2010u002F11: 944 n2009u002F10: 873 n2008u002F09: 1 003 n2007u002F08: 1 188”