journey home instead of the semi-final For the German football has not met the medal dream at the European championship in France. After 21:27 (11:13) defeat against world Cup-Netherlands, the third in the last main round game in the young DHB-selection finished the tournament in ninth place. In the case of a success, the Team of national coach Henk Groener in Paris to place a five would be played, for Reaching the semi-final round of a runaway victory, with twelve gates, would have been the difference needed.

In the penultimate round fight on Friday in Paris, the Netherlands and hosts France, and Olympic Champions Russia and Romania to enter the final. There, the world Cup-third from 2015 will have to do without but its Topstar: world-hand-player of the year Cristina Neagu suffered against Hungary, a serious knee injury and had to be with a suspected cruciate ligament rupture in the hospital.

As in the case of the 25:26-defeat on Sunday against Hungary, the cost is ultimately the semi-final ticket, had the German team against the Netherlands, with the exception of Angie Geschke problems in the financial statements, awarded just before the break to many opportunities. However, because the defense and goalkeeper Dinah Eckerle towered again, it was at half-time at 11:13 still in striking distance.

Also, Norway has sensational in the semi-finals

But even after the page change, this series of technical errors and simple ball losses continued. However, in some nervous performances the low countries could not settle in the first place is crucial. Until 19:15, the projection was clear. This was also a merit of Estevana Polman with six goals, the best thrower of the Oranje.

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In the final Germany 4:6 counter and two points behind the point, the same Trio Romania, Norway and Hungary. The title defender from Scandinavia lacked a goal at the end for a spot in the semi-final round. Thus, the record European champion Norway (seven titles) have missed for the first Time in 18 years, a European championship semi-final – also due to the sensational 32:33-kick-off defeat against the DHB-selection and will now play against Sweden in the fifth place. (dpa)