Mr Preetz, have you looked secretly time, what time is Hertha BSC and FC Bayern last in the DFB Cup defeat?

no, I didn’t. I can remember, however, that Hertha was the last Time in 1993 in the Cup final – albeit with the Amateurs. The is still present. And the desire to reach the Cup final, is also present. That’s why we should have wished for the Bavarians prefer to be in the final.

This has been the position since the last Cup victory against Bayern in front of 42 years, never better than now, or?

I would say that Bayern are now in a different Constitution than our League victory against them last September. But we’ll take that we have not lost against the last four Games. We have achieved this season is already a lot of good results against Top teams. The self-confidence that we have drawn, we need to, without doubt, on Wednesday evening. Only a great performance can bring us more. Since it is a knock-out game, there can be but one goal: to win.

As you have begun almost ten years ago from her position as a Manager, always have been. from the “sleeping giant” Hertha ends the speech, the Bavarians at some point at least once dangerous

Since that time, the Bayern to the League are well ahead of competition but, once again, dramatically. We are worlds apart. I would say that you can take for all the relevant areas of at least a factor of four, the distance to Express ourselves. We can only try, the in game time to turn around.

And how it can hold your club in the long term, with Bayern?

This is very simple: You have to play every year in the Champions League, then you can get involved at some point. But the difference in international TV marketing is now so large, that one hardly has a Chance in these circles to penetrate at all. Therefore, it must be, rather, our goal is to shorten the distance to the front seats in the Bundesliga. And this is hard enough as it is.

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you have already spent at the beginning of their term of office in 2009, the proviso, in the longer term in the Top six in Germany.

it has changed nothing. What has changed is the fact that we are now a completely different club. We can say with certainty that we are now being consolidated economically. We are in possession of 100 percent of our shares, and sporty, stable, view alone, the value of our team. We look with a big Dose of Pride back to the recent past and the development to continue as an incentive for our future.

How large is your share of the successful past years?

he Probably is at least as large as the one that was assigned to me to the two descents.

In fact, they were at the latest at their second relegation as a Manager, something like the face of the rest of the Hertha. What it has done to you?

I am a man, runs with open eyes through the area and everything that happens, something want to learn. This includes such things, a look back, and reflect again. Ultimately, I have drawn from this experience.

The many of the criticism has not offended you?

It was a difficult Phase, no question. Of course you have to be stable, to endure the wind. I found a good way, that the family is well come through this time. This is because completely you can’t strip away something. Take a Manager job, you are not only eight hours of the day, but around the clock. That I’m still here, has something to do with Conviction.

What would you describe as your greatest success?

We have made it our philosophy to enforce. That is, young players to develop successfully and to make use of the parallel opportunities on the transfer market in order to attract talents, the fit to us, to Berlin. We have managed to achieve enormous transfer of surpluses and to improve still our Team. Today, we can say: We have an exciting team that is able to hit a Great out of the League.

Nevertheless, they have the players and coaches criticized by the unusually clear .

I’ve seen in the first half of the season a team, the two faces had. You can deliver a fantastic games and exceptional things reach, when all are totally concentrated and focused. Exactly the has not retrieved the team. If I would have seen that we can play at the top of our possibilities, I would have said nothing. But that was not so. I ask for nothing, which is unrealistic, but things that you may request from the professional footballers.

Have you kept in the winter break is also an internal fire speech?

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Katrin Schulze

I, it is the right time, a couple of bars was aimed at all, to sharpen the senses before the second round. This is my task. We have been talking for a number of years ago, we always play a bad round. And I don’t see why we should be taken as a given.

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