Space-robot InSight, which landed on Mars a few days ago, has sent a picture of himself down to Earth, says NASA in a nyhedsopdatering. It writes, where you can also see a small animation of the Mars robot.

InSight has been 7 months on its journey to Mars, and the picture is taken shortly after the spacecraft landed on The Red Planet.

the Image has been sent to the Earth by using a NASA satellite that is in orbit about Mars.

Images must, among other things, help NASA find the most optimal terrain, as InSight need to drill five feet down, by means of a kind of automatic jackhammer.

the Aim is to investigate the internal processes and structures in the Mars crust and the core and to take the temperature of the planet. the

In a Twitter message writes NASA that InSight will continue to send pictures to the Earth. We can also look forward to pictures with the other camera angles, when the vessel’s robotic arm has been extended.

in Addition to having taken pictures of themselves, have InSight also sent signals to the Earth that its solar panels are now folded out.

the solar panels make the InSight able to charge his batteries each day, so that it can continue its work on the night.

‘InSight team can sleep calmer at night, now that the spacecraft’s solar panels are in use and recharges the batteries,’ says project manager Tom Hoffman of NASA’s nyhedsopdatering according to the

He is a project manager at Insight by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

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