“Holm in the ’legotvist’ – with Tax”

“”Surprised to have ended up here…””

“Stefan Holm, 42, has been in a dispute with the Swedish Tax agency.”

“The former höjdhoppsstjärnan denied the deduction of 24 000 sek for a tillbyggnation among other things, he uses to his legoverksamhet, and are now choosing to appeal to the administrative court.”

“I want to know what is what,” says Holm.”

“Sportbladet have previously told you about Stefan Holms huge interest in lego. In the fall he released a book, ”Swedish sportbitar”, where he builds up scenes from the history of sports, and reflecting on performance.”

“– There are certainly people who think that it is strange that one builds with lego, but pfft, people play golf. People play guitar. You something to do, Holm said.”

“Now, his big interest in part led to a dispute with the Swedish tax agency.”

“When Holm bought his villa in the year 2006, he made a tillbyggnation which he then rented out to his bolagsverksamhet (Scholm AB and Piece together (AB).”

“Holm said that the space has been used to his sporting activities and to and from which gymövningslokal for him and his son Melwin, who also is a high jumper at an elite level.”

“In recent times, the space is increasingly used for Holms legoverksamhet where a 35-square-meter) office has been used on a daily basis.”

“Holm want to make deduction on the hyresersättningen, 24 000 sek, but the Tax agency says ‘no’.”

“”the Tax office does not consider that the offices occupied by your company constitutes a greater part of the property’s surface area and the smaller part of the common living areas (study area, according to the attached drawing) which is used can hardly bring more than a marginal increase in costs for electricity and heating, etc.”

“It is not likely that the property was purchased solely on the basis of the needs of the company premises, then this kind of local, that is to say, an office, can be set up in many properties.”

“in light of the above, and you haven’t provided any information about your actual additional costs to maintain the Tax earlier decision in which the deduction for the additional costs is acknowledged with a reasonable $ 3,000,” writes the man in his decision.”

“”Want to know what ‘ ”

“Stefan Holm does not understand the reasoning.”

” I have taken out the rent in probably ten years, but that the Tax agency has reacted. They write that it’s a ”less work”. But hey, 35 square feet, is less workplace? In any case, not in my world. I guess they have the right large office on the Tax in that case…, ” he says.”

“You don’t buy their justification?”

“– Thus, it is possible that I am wrong. In this case, I’m ”fine” with it, then I pay. But I want to know what is what. If we at all talking about the same thing.”

“– When I created the company was the business about the high jump. Then I could use the facility to workout. Now it is more lego. I can build lego there, I can prepare my lectures where I can take pictures for my book. I had rented a completely separate room of 35 square meters so I had used it for exactly the same thing, so I don’t really understand the difference, ” says Holm.”

“to”Want to do right for me””

“He chooses to appeal to the administrative court.”

” I want to know what is what and it costs nothing to appeal, so why not? In addition, I think that there are many other self-employed people out there in the country that do the same thing and want to know what really applies.”

“There are further instances after the administrative court. Such courts and the Supreme administrative court. How far are you prepared to push this?”

“– Oh, after the administrative law shits me in this. SO important is it not. But I want to know what is what.”

“How do you see that you’re in this situation? Is there something weighing on you?”

” No, I can’t say. I’m just a little surprised to have ended up here all of a sudden. I want to make just right for me, ” says Stefan Holm.”