Radio SRF was then called Beromünster – it is the unmistakable voice of Jean-Pierre Gerwig or maybe of Gody Baumberger. But the Swiss footballer played in Cagliari, against Italy, and I know it 0:4, it must have been embarrassing, and now Baumberger reported Gerwig or maybe it is that Karli is allowed Roughly for the last few minutes to the gate of THE Karli Gross, I had admired a few months earlier, on the two minutes in Küsnacht. He played for FC Zurich and for the first time in the national team.

And then, we heard the report on the car radio and drove through the San Bernardino Tunnel, which had shortly before been opened, out of it herself just yet, no voice, no sound from Cagliari. The Tunnel is long, very, very long time – it was still 0:4? What is my power Rough? He keeps everything? He is a Hero? It rustled. And as it – finally! – no longer rustled, came music, from Cagliari no Gerwig or Baumberger, only music, no result.

There were still no cell phones. It was stuck at the 0:4, and as was Rough this Saturday? We learned about it only much later, on the second day, from the newspaper. It remained at the 0:4.

I had to Remember that, recently. I was lying in bed, saw on the phone! – the hockey Playoff game between Servette and Bern, they played and played, it was 2:2, the next goal did not fall, I was over tired, it’s midnight, I liked. It could still take forever.

in The Morning, when I woke up, I would have been able to mobile phone access and same-knew how it had ended. I didn’t want to. I imagined: you continue to play. 15. or 18. Extension. You can now play more than 12 hours, it’s 2:2 still stands. Maybe some players are gasping for air in the cabin. And those who are still on the ice, crawl more than they Skate. The goalkeeper of the cross in front of his gate, his cane on the floor to stay awake, he drinks constantly strong coffee from his bottle. The coaches are no longer in the gang, they sit, with eyes closed. The audience – those who didn’t go home, because they had to go to work – yawn. The four referees on the chairs. The television only transmits from a camera point of view, from the Total, the commentator says, every few minutes, a scarce set.

I want to imagine how it could be – in our time, we always want to know everything immediately and can.


Created: 09.04.2019, 12:13 PM