“”I’m going to die in a stairway””
“Magdalena Forsberg in the great interview on Let’s Dance and world CHAMPIONSHIPS”
“ÖSTERSUND. Magdalena Forsberg has hectic days during the biathlon world CUP.”
“Between the expertkommenterandet in tv she is in hard training for Let’s Dance.”
“– You just want to cry sometimes and go home, ” says Magda when Sportbladet visited the secret training right during the world CUP.”
“Magdalena Forsberg has declined to Let’s Dance several times because it did not fit in with her schedule.”
“But the question is how much better it fits into this time when she now decided to set up.”
“at the same time as Forsberg prepares for the premiere next Friday is going on the biathlon world CUP in Östersund, sweden, where she comments on every single race in Eurosport until Sunday.”
“Her dance partner Fredric Brunberg has had to go up to Östersund in the four days that they should be given time to work out.”
“– There will be long days. We train in the mornings, then there is the world CUP broadcasts in the afternoons and so we practice here again in the evenings after the bell 20 when the classes this is the end of the year. We hold on to to 22-22.30, and so I’m going to go to the hotel and the plugs start lists for the next day’s competitions, ” says Forsberg when we visit the couple in dansstudion in the centre of Östersund.”
“There is only time for a short break so we sit straight down on the dance floor and conduct the interview.”
“We must absolutely not shoot when they dance, it has TV4 banned. “
“But Magda and Fredric finishes to offer a taste of premiäravsnittets dance when the camera no longer is on.”
” this is The first time anyone even sees us dancing. But you may not write what kind of dance it is for it to be a surprise, ” says Magda.”
“”much, Much harder than I thought””
“It has been almost exactly one month ago they met for the first time. Then Forsberg live in Bergeforsen north of Sundsvall, exercise has been high intensity when they have been seen in a few days and then be followed by up to a week’s break.”
“– Yes, but we weren’t on Monday when we met, after almost a week. Then, I just wanted to go home and add me and not be with more.”
“Have you changed your mind at any time during those two weeks?”
“– Yes… or maybe not changed my mind but wondered what I had gotten myself into. I knew that it would be difficult. But it is much, much harder than I thought. You just want to cry sometimes, and go home. “
“Brunberg makes only his second season in the Swedish Let’s Dance. Before that he was with in the Norwegian version in three seasons.”
“– She has all the potential in the world. She is a skilled exercise. She can ”run” on in 1.5 hours and maintain the focus all the time. It is not all that capable. With the focus she can get far.”
“– It is well the only benefit I have from the sport. And that the condition is still good.”
“do you Have any experience of the dance?”
” No! A little fuldans on any après ski, type.”
“you Can’t train with her husband Henry when you are at home?”
“– I tried when I came home after the first training round and was really psyched. But he just screamed. He had pain everywhere. It was not so good, haha.”
“When you listen to förhandssnacket, you seem to be one of the favorites?”
“– do you Say it?! I want to be with for as long as possible. But you need to get the viewers ‘ votes as well. It was 17 years ago, I laid by.”
“the Fear of fall in the stairs”
“But you were a very popular (Forsberg won Jerringpriset four times in the five years 1997-2001)?”
“– Yes, but it was 17 years ago. So I do not know how it is today. I am with for the fun of it. I want to do fun things.”
“– My husband likes to bug so he would very much like to I’ll be there for so long that I learn dancing (laughs).”
“What’s the worst that can happen?”
“– That I fall in the stairs in the studio on the way down. I fall in the stairs every day. Both up and down, I will probably die in a flight of stairs a day. Now I’ll go in heels in addition. I tend to fall in stocking feet.”
“Brunberg confirms Forsberg’s a problem with stairs.”
” She can miss a step, or three – ”du-dunk”. It has happened a few times here. I get to keep the balance on her.”
“What, Magda has to work with otherwise, in the dance?”
“– Approach. She is so stiff after working so many years with the same muscles in the skiing. Point of equilibrium is so very different in the dance compared to skiing, ” says Brunberg.”
“Who do you think is your biggest competitor?”
” We have not seen the other dancing yet. But Kristin Kaspersen becomes toxic. She likes to work out also, and run yoga. She has good body control and posture. She and Calle (Sterner) becomes a toxic couple, ” says Forsberg.”
“it’s going To be fun to dress up in different, fancy dresses?”
” It’s not my thing. I’m used to walking around in workout clothes. When I picked up the kids before school and came in jeans any time they wondered why I was so finklädd. It is at this level, haha.”
“Is there any similarity between the biathlon and dance?”
“– No! It is the simple answer. I thought that there would be a certain similarity between skiing and roller but the point of equilibrium are so different.”
“Damstafetten greatest chance”
“Forsberg is impressed by the Swedish skiers in the world CUP.”
“– There is so little that has separated from the medals in many years. And in the championships it’s the medals that counts.”
“It is the day after Sebastian Samuelsson stopped four in distansloppet.”
” He had a little bit of missflyt when it blew so hard on the last liggskjutningen. He did it so incredibly well. He did the right thing, which screwed several times during the bout. I think he’s found confidence in shooting in the distansloppet.”
“– ”No words needed”. I tipped the fact that she would take the gold in distansloppet. But it was an incredible performance. The best when it comes. She has the future of the world. Mona Brorsson has also made it amazing and the lift one level below the world CUP. She has been millimeters from the two world CHAMPIONSHIP gold medals.”
“Where has Sweden’s biggest chance during the remainder of the world CUP?”
“– Singelmixedstafetten in the day and damstafetten on Saturday. In damstafetten belongs to Sweden the favorites. Weakest chance is enough herrstafetten – despite the fact that they are reigning OLYMPIC champions.”
“There is a lot of talk about Wolfgang Pichlers future. What do you think? Should he be left?”
“– They say that he is not bothered in the same way. He gives always everything and has been an ardent supporter of it here in all the years in an admirable way. But I prefer that he is left in the Swedish biathlon in any way.”
“As a coach, or just that he is still in some other role?”
” I didn’t want to continue without Wolfgang in my time. Things have certainly evolved and you have more coaches today. But there are still More thoughts and ideas. No one can say that the route is not successful. I think you should him even if he is not bothered to the same extent as now. “
“But he may have a minor role? Doesn’t he take over anyway and decide most of the time?”
“– It solves the safe, ” says Magdalena Forsberg before she gives herself out on the dance floor to continue the grind on the secret of the dance.”