Hammarby has had the highest publiksnittet in the top division the last five seasons. The reason for the growth of årskortsförsäljning is partly due to the team changed its arena 2013.

” We had a very positive development as we moved from Söderstadion to Tele2 Arena. Last year in the second division, we went from a publiksnitt of 8,000 to just over 20,000. Last few seasons there have been between 22.000 and 25.000 of the incision, says Markus Nilsson, vice president of Hammarby Football.

Read more: Arenaflytten was a lift – the greatest for Hammarby

usually go up when the teams change arena.

– it would be a boost publikmässigt, I believe everyone was prepared for. But it would be at this level, it was probably not many who believed.

Arenaflytten gave many benefits, including the new arena providing an experience for more target groups.

” a Little over 30 per cent of all that goes on at our matches are families with children and young people. It was pretty big challenges clean utrymmesmässigt for the target audience of the Relaxation, which usually sold out in the attractive seating area. What was available was ståplatsläktare without a roof so it was not the best option for families with children, ” says Markus Nilsson.

before the season is 16.000 sold annual pass which is also the club set as a ceiling.

– the Reason we set it as the ceiling is because we want everyone to have the ability to the same experience as our säsongskortsinnehavare. We want to have about half the arena booked for the season pass and the other half to work with the growth in our various publikkategorier.

– Then, about 16,000 will be for ever teach the future to tell us, the possibilities to get there is good. We were very close to 2016 when we sold a little more than 15.500 season pass which is our highest listing so far. I see it as a very reasonable chance that we may exceed it in years.

sold over 14.200 season tickets, compared with last year’s listing on the approximately 14,600 season tickets, and the number will, with all certainty, to be crossed.

” The single the biggest reason is, of course, sporting success last year. We were in the tabelltoppen the whole season through, which inspires any kind of confidence and hope. I think that you see the development potential in the sporting part and that we really are competing for the top rankings and to get out into Europe and play, ” says Markus Nilsson.

but the advance ticket sales for this season, something that has given the results.

” We’ve sold about 1,500 more season tickets than at the same point in time last season. Right now is over 7.300 tickets sold, ” says Fredrik Söderberg, ticket and marketing manager in AIK.

It has also been more focus on just the ticket sales for this season.

– We put quite a lot of time on the campaign to market the season tickets in a way that’s not really got the space before the last season.

to get up in the 12,000 sold season tickets.

“If we reach the goal, we are increasing by almost 25 per cent from the fjolårssäsongen,” says Fredrik Söderberg.

Last season hunted AIK rivals Hammarbys publiksnitt, something that is not managed. But the club could be in addition to the gold medal rejoice that their own when fighting. The whole 50.128 saw AIK meet Gif Sundsvall, sweden at the Friends Arena in the penultimate round.

expanded its sales of season tickets. The team plays just as Hammarby at the Tele2 Arena, and also benefited from its arenaflytt from Stockholm stadium.

” One should not compare, really, but at the Stadium there were not so many good places to sell. You have not a roof over all the seats, you sit over the ceiling, you can have a pillar in the way so the increase is very much to the Tele2 Arena offers the better sites, ” says Tomas Af Geijerstam, biljettansvarig in Djurgården.

The last five years, the club has remained at between of 8,500 and 9,500 season tickets and in the moment, the more season tickets sold than in the same period a year earlier.

” We’ve sold the 7,500 season tickets so the feeling is good. The mood is at its peak and hopes are high.

Tomas Af Geijerstam say that Djurgården has the potential to sell over 10,000 season tickets but the target is to pass the fjolårssiffran of about 9.200 annual pass.

Nils Palmgren: AIK can be the year publiklag – thank Bajen for it