”We can’t go to absolutely grant the rights”, says Klas Hedlund, director of the Swedish floorball federation, in a press release.

FSSL:s threat to break out of the covenant, the league and start a their own might, thus, become a reality.

”We now want to appeal to the elitföreningarna not to start a stand-alone league. It would weaken the Swedish floorball, which rests on the idea that the elite and width should interact,” says Hedlund.

, which consists of 28 elitföreningar, has for a long time been working to get more influence over the rättighetsbeslut and the greater part of the sponsorintäkterna since it believes that the alliance does not achieve good enough results.

floorball federation has met the requirements by, inter alia, propose a jointly owned company to administer the rights. But on december 5 presented FSSL an agreement to take over rights.

”We have offered elitföreningarna more influence and a greater part of the sponsorintäkterna, but we can’t go to absolutely grant the rights. The Swedish floorball federation has a responsibility for the Swedish floorball as a whole, which means that both the elite and the width must be a part of the resources,” says Klas Hedlund.