Nilla Fischer has a dream. At some point, the sexual orientation of a player or of a player on the Football field should be no matter. Completely no matter. She imagines how it would be so with 22 tolerant people, surrounded by much more tolerant Fans. But fishermen know that in the year 2018, this is still utopian.

As confirmation enough of the grip to the Smartphone. If Fischer scans your Profiles in the social media, then you are registered time and again: hatred. You already have to much on read. That she should die, among other things. The messages of pain. But no, you may be, have been so irreverent, so far, that they would give up their fight. Their struggle for a more tolerant world football.

Fischer, a 34-year-old Swede, is in the first line of awareness, because you can get pretty good at playing football . Swedish championship, Bundesliga, German Cup, Champions League all won by the defender. At the world championship 2011 they reached the national team ranking 3, to the 2016 Olympic Games rank 2.

For it was your Coming-out, nothing Special

So you confidently for years, as an interior defender plays, so intense, she fights in the meantime against homophobia. Years ago she said to a Swedish journalist, by the way, that you are in love with a woman. For fishing not great was the time thing, for the Swedish media landscape. “That’s when I realized that it is not considered normal. That was the sign to me, to engage me,” said Fischer, a once-in-North German radio.

When Fischer is talking today to the public, it’s rarely really about football. Much more often, she tells stories about her life. How people write to her she did not deserve to live. But also how young people walked up and her for her commitment to thank. Often, fishermen also speaks of visions. She sees herself as an Ambassador for diversity, fighting for tolerance and against discrimination. Or: for your dream of a Football field, where the sexual orientation is beside the point.

check out this post on Instagram

Awesome shirts for our diversity team, crazy proud to get one myself! ?????????????? #together #diversity #diversity #vflwolfsburg women #vflwolfsburg

A contribution to Fischer (@fischernilla) divided by Nilla on

The football magazine “11 friends” told them recently: “If I have even one Person with my commitment, that would make me very happy.” Fischer not only speaks openly about the woman you married in 2013, but also about their son, Neo. “It is important to be open and to show the Public that it is okay. I am very happy with my life, and each other Person which may be also,” she told the Guardian.

your fight is probably never

fishermen not only speaks, it is with deeds. Since March of 2017, the captain of the VfL Wolfsburg is wearing a tie a rainbow colored Captain. Eventually, they found that the should do all of the game leaders in the Association. The idea came from. Only a maneuvered himself into the Offside: a professional footballer Josip Brekalo. He pointed out publicly his Christian values, and said: “A special icon for setting other people’s needs and I don’t want to wear.”

Brekalos reaction, called Fischer “11Freunde” as “stupid”. “The rainbow flag is not a sign of homosexuality, but supported and celebrated shapes the diversity of life.”

she wishes that more of the well-known footballers speak out publicly against homophobia. With your reach, you could move some of the thinks in the Footballer. And yet they also know that their fight will probably never end. She says: “as A first step, now that all of the VfL teams will play with the rainbow-binding, and the Club is doing too much. But if we say now, we did something and now everything is loose, we can forget.” (cst)

Created: 19.12.2018, 08:36 PM