” It will be very difficult for the Swedish team to reach the quarterfinals of the Champions League. Despite the fact that we are the third league in Europe. The other nations will be closer and closer. I usually say that it is like in golf. It is easy to lower his handicap at the beginning, and then you need to work out which damned. And so it is in football also. We are still a världsnation, and the damallsvenskan ranked third among the leagues.
” But I think we will get more and more difficult to retain the stars, because we will not be able to compete in their earnings. Therefore, we must be adept at nurturing our own, have good training and matchmiljöer.
” When we’re talking with coaches and those who work with player development, so think of all that we have for the bad matchmiljöer. And we have for the low average age of our Q19-series, it is 16 years old. It means that there will be a huge step up to seniorfotbollen. It must be good training for players at a young age, not selection. You can learn right from the beginning, then will the profit target in the A-lagsspel.
– I think It will be difficult. For, they are good enough they will still disappear, because the money is abroad. And it can not set itself against. We want it to be more money in women’s football. And can a girl reach her dream, and become a professional, so it is clear she will be there.
” If we are to retain the best in the damallsvenskan, so have the more to go into with the money. And then we are talking about the business world.
a system error.
– There are errors in the system from the beginning, from Fifa and Uefa with the money. We must start from the top, so that the money is distributed correctly.
” You’re just angry, for it is all wrong from the beginning. It is not cheaper for a damspelare to play football, go to Russia for a Champions League match, than it is in Malmö, gentlemen.
And here it is more expensive to sponsor a women’s team, for market value is not as high…
– It is not good. A girl should know that she has an equal opportunity to have football as their job.
” We are not there, but everything is about money. For the requirements definition from the girls, I know that it exists.
” It was quite a while ago we had it so. But we have seen also since the elitettan started in 2013 that it has tajtat to it a little, to the ones that have gone up, apart from Kalmar, managed to hang on. In the past it was yo-yo between the top flight in the old one.
” But we now see in the top that it is tighter at the top. And we notice also that we do not have any top team that pulls away.
” a while ago it was that we would slide down the premier league, play tougher and more matches, or finals. Now you are inside to expand.
– And more matches do we need, better and tougher matches.