NANTES (Ekstra Bladet): She stretches 192 cm against the hall ceiling, and it does, of course, big advantages to a girl who knows the art to jump even higher and smash the skillfully towards the goal with the left lab.

But when you are 14 years old, the teenage rookie, konfirmeres and measures close to 190 cm, the button is so fun to be the one that stands out violently.

– I have had to work a bit to accept that I was high – especially because I was high at an early age. It has now never given me particular problems, and I have always thought, that were not super much to do about it. I accepted it quickly, and I can actually feel like to be high, says Mette Tranborg.

Were you nervous, it would never stop?

– I will say that when I was growing, and the other was stopped… Then I thought, well had to stop. I would be a little upset by that measure two metres, says Mette Tranborg.

I had no need to stand me out from all the others, when I was a teenager and unsure, then I had some issues. It had all the others, certainly also – mine was just very easy to place. It was the height.

Women and shoes must you take seriously!

– This you. It is practically impossible to find anything other than sneakers, and I must always over in herreafdelingen. It is hard to find shoes in plus 40, but I’m fine with walking in sneakers. I have both neat and more stylish, and then I go, in fact, not so much in clothes and shoes, she says.

And stilettos, we should probably not talk about?

– It is not them, I have the most of, haha. But I have a huge lot of sneakers, she says at the sounding aarhusiansk and with one of the many fools who follow the happy girl most of the time.

Mette Tranborg on home turf in Odense. On Monday evening she should give the max throttle, when Russia is waiting for a euro-horror film. Photo: Tim K. Jensen
the Interview was made in Odense, denmark before the european championship. The EM has been a more mixed affair for the long back, as the team has played up and down – but had enough to see to in the defence, where she is a rock.

Mette Tranborg have cut the game 54,25 minutes per. battle and nappet a deportation pr. showdown, so the closer to the full duration you can almost not get. And there will be bony, although 13 basses on 21 attempts is probably right at the edge.

But she is in own words the type who never gives up:

– Never, ever. I’m never up in the field. Such is, in general, I brought up.

the Dav with you! French lioness meets the wall in the form of Mette Tranborg. Photo: Lars Poulsen
You are described as someone who can afford to burn the four – and yet plaffe the next check. Correct?

– It I think. I rest in myself and much more than when I was small and shy. I’m still not the pushy type, but I dare say what I think and believe. Also on håndboldbanen. I have a calmness that comes from that I know what I can, and it’s gonna get, I just get by, she says.

– Speaking of Erik’s Ways and his thinking. If you do not make mistakes, you try not enough.


Erik Roads was of vital importance

NANTES (Ekstra Bladet): the Painter Erik Roads actually has a big share in that Mette Tranborg suddenly saw himself as a talented handball player.

– I was good friends with his daughter Mathilde, and he began to train us in the VRI. Quietly he began to tell me that he thought I was good – that it could well be to something, says Mette Tranborg.

– at the Time I thought: yes Yes… I played the just, had fun and took it not at all. When I ran and konditionstrænede there was no special purpose, it just came of like the inside and the outside.

– It was really good. Erik Roads was a crazy good coach for us because he was so good to say: Just play! When you are a girl and plays U12 and U14, so you can go right up in all the mistakes you make. You dare not shoot and think. Oh no!

But he was good to say: Just play, shoot and do what you are good at. Don’t think so much about what you make of the error, for those of us will make damn all together.

Is this something girls do more than boys in the age?

– It think definitely. The debugging and thinking much more than boys do. Especially in the age – but also in general, haha.

So Erik Roads must have a checkmark?

– Yes, I would say. He has had a fairly big impact that I was playing handball. It was a good start to a håndboldkarriere. I had him three-four years, as far as I remember. It was precisely in the period in which many fall from, because so much else starts to become fun.


Mette Tranborg have a lot of sneakers in all colors and for all purposes. Photo: Tim K. Jensen. the
Mette started as the goalkeeper

NANTES (Ekstra Bladet): Life often consists of a number of arbitrary treatment, and such it is, of course, also with Mette Tranborg, there was actress by accident. The family consists not of ’harpikstosser’.

This is the gloriously liberated. My middle sister has gone to the handball, but otherwise there is no one who has had something with a handball to make. I started only because my parents said: You MUST go to one or the other with any community, where you use your body. There were some girls from my class who went to the handball. So I tried, and it was fun.

Mette Tranborg was then a – high – eight-year-old smoke on the box as the goalkeeper.

– I was in goal a few years, but then they found out that I was left-handed and threw me out on the right wing. I was larger than the other. I got a good physique fairly early and became higher and higher, and then I ended up on the right back.

the Rest is history.

Mette Tranborg is a ’tanned’ 22-year-old, who played ligahåndbold on the waiver already at the age of 16, debuted on the national team as 18-year-old, and in 2014 as a reserve, was flown to the european championships in Hungary, however without being used. She reads to the physiotherapist on a part time basis and have just this fall been in internship in the fall.

the Next task will be Russia. It must be handed in approx. at. 19.30 on Monday evening…

Handball – 9. dec. 2018 – at. 10:22 Caught in the street fights: TV2-hosts on the run from tear gas

See also: Sweden allows the EM-hosts big problems

See also: Handball-fans penalized by EM: Get banned noisy tradition