I have never understood why religion is considered more okay than politics in sport.
In the week it has become clear that Sweden is ahead of the game in a time when those who run the major sports federations have to work with the enormously difficult task to get together the freedom of religion, freedom of opinion and expression in the same movement.
I can only say: good Luck.
this Week’s idrottsdebatt has been about Slöjbilden.
tested in 2016 on the shooting sports (possibly with a rifle that could not shoot with at the really), during a try-on-day. The girl wore the veil.
According to Aftonbladet, who was first with the story, published now the picture on the website of one of sweden’s national distriktsförbund.
It had two sole the sports coach to go in the ceiling.
swimming federation president Ulla Gustavsson came off on Facebook and in an interview with Aftonbladet she said:
” they Want to show girls with a migrant background, it can be done, but they have the veil on. Now shows RF they like and encourage hedersförtryck: female genital mutilation, child marriage, honor-related violence. It upsets me. Children need to be children.
many heavy positions of trust within the Swedish sports went even further.
– If one forgot the bright lintotten in the background, he looks like I did that small, can you believe that it is a rekryteringsannons for a militant organization.
Then followed the standard steps for Sweden in 2019. The association took the picture, probably because it was the easiest way. Gustavsson’s daughter got hatmejl and simbasen removed their post on Facebook.
And on Thursday, could the DN to reveal the expected news. Gustavsson is leaving his post in the swimming federation after a fierce internal criticism.
for a religious debate. Especially not when it is listed on Gustavsson’s way. She ends up as president of the swimming federation will accelerate the polarization of the Swedish sports movement.
the Swedish sport will now hear that there is the same åsiktskorridorer that we in the to be young a long time been accused to live in.
Both Gustavsson and Liljegren have scored lots of shit in public.
I do not agree at all with Gustavsson and Liljegren. It is hypocritical to say you want everyone to play sports but do not want to show some that have the veil on the picture. I can’t see a link to a terrorist group in a picture of a boy and girl that tests the shooting.
Gustavsson made a personal opinion on a religious symbol, and became political. Gustavsson was the chairman, and spoke not of his covenant.
the critical reactions she got, it is only possible to drag this old conclusion.
1. Sport and politics should not hear together.
2. Sport and religion is considered as an okay combination.
the Problem is that politics and religion often and in many places in the world are linked together. Therefore it is all the more problematic if it will be open for one but closed for the other.
Not least with a view on how much blood through the story flowed in different religions track.
in Aftonbladet writes, the FOUNDATION’s president Björn Eriksson:
”We can’t stand for a movement that excludes anyone for belonging to a particular religion…”
Questions on it? Can impossible be.
But then continues Eriksson in the same sentence:
”…or carry on a particular religious characteristics.”
Then it becomes really interesting if we go back to slöjbilden.
, have been shot with a cross dangling in a chain around the neck. It had attracted attention? Hardly.
Imagine if the boy or girl on their clothes had a button that shows that they like the social democrats, Moderaterna or The sweden democrats. Had the picture was even published? Never. So deeply rooted is that sport should be free from politics.
However, released be happy to the private, political opinions if they are for the situation innocuous, uncontroversial and untouchable.
run the media gauntlet when he said to his image of Qatar is not consistent with the he received from the Swedish media.
in the Autumn of 2015 hailed from the same Källström when he at a press conference before a match talked about the refugee crisis. He said that ”we are all citizens of the world” and the praise was great. And he said, lay right in the passage åsiktsströmningar.
A year earlier, the Conservatives, the then prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has kept its classic speech with the words, ”open your hearts”.
a Few years later, the borders closed and left standing sports clubs as non-profit integration with open doors and try to open minds.
outside. It became polarized. Views that just was extreme was suddenly par for the course.
To believe that the sports movement could survive without the infected conflicts and debates in the subject was just a manifestation of the naivety which is part of the Swedish sports brand.
It was a picture of a veil that sparked the debate but for me it’s as much about the illogical idrottsscenerna:
Snapping the fingers as a prayer? Ok. Braid fingers as a Albanian eagle? No, No.
It is okay to make the sign of the cross when going into the plan but if someone shouts ”vote on Tuesday” against a tv-camera it becomes large eco.
IN the united states thank each and every two of christian athletes God after a victory but when an NFL player goes down on his knees in a silent protest is a political act that turns up and down the league.
in the debate on the slöjbilden is that the RF on all the ways work otherwise for children should be children.
I do not think that it is possible to ban religious symbols within the sport because the sport should reflect society, but in my dream world, select children themselves when they want to hang on a cross, to wear a veil or a kippa.
In the dream world continues sport to be a place where all can meet. Regardless of religion and political opinion.
Niklas Orrenius: Shame when the sport connect children to terrorism