Mr Schmadtke, what is a Liter of milk costs?

(Laughs) One Euro roughly. Obviously depends on what quality you buy.

What kind of milk you buy?

Rather expensive.

you once said that you can still go in your supermarket shopping.

Yes, yesterday.

it is also time that you meet as Bruno Labbadia, or any of the players from the VfL?

not Yet, but I assume that most of them also go to the store, the shopping basket and pay at the checkout. I don’t know how they get their products home.

what it’s Like to move with the face of Jörg Schmadtke by Wolfsburg?

It is not always pleasant – because of the face, I mean (laughs). No, it is quite normal for me, as in every other city too.

there Is a difference to your previous Station in Cologne?

fewer people are of course on the road than in Cologne. The city is smaller, the paths are shorter. You need to less plan, if you’re going from A to B, because the traffic here is manageable. In urban areas, you have to think of you when you want to go where, and whether this is this really is Moment useful.

you Have actually a penchant for Extreme?


Cologne is one of the most emotional League locations. Wolfsburg rather the opposite.

It wasn’t a conscious decision, that I said To Cologne now has to come up with something different. I have been approached and have considered whether this task for me is interesting. And that is also what makes this Job for me: Every Association has its own qualities and its own challenges. This is the charm, but also the fun of the story. There is no blueprint that fits for each club.

What is the challenge of VfL Wolfsburg?

The club has not exhausted his opportunities last. And I would like to try out, whether it’s different and if I can be of more tickling from the VfL out.

Could it be due to the lack of Emotion that the VfL has remained up to its potential?

no. This is a fallacy. The Region is emotionally to this club, the bond between the spectators and the club is very tight. This is already given by the employer, Volkswagen in Wolfsburg.

In Cologne, there were many players who were born in Cologne, Germany and thus has an emotional connection to the FC. Like looks in Wolfsburg?

it was also a strategic measure. We wanted to use in this very emotive environment, the Cologne soul. And how to do it best? By we have integrated people from the Region in our team. Of course, it was also sporty sense. It makes no sense to have to commit to 15 in Cologne, the can’t play football.

to what Extent can the to Wolfsburg?

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here We have the other basic requirements and other things in the foreground: the excellent infrastructure, excellent working conditions. The players have the opportunity to develop further. And we are also in the process of strengthening the close ties to VW. A player who comes here should already know who is at the end of the lenders.

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