“Juncker said no to the commissioners,”

“the Last time a new EU commission would be added to the said president Jean-Claude Juncker’ no ‘ to several of the candidates that were brought forward.”

“– No-one has known it, but last I rejected six of the commissioners proposed by national governments, he says himself in an interview with a number of eastern magazines.”

“Junckers words are a clear warning to the more Brussels-sceptic EU countries which might be thinking about sending too subversive members to the new EU commission that will be formed in the autumn.”

“– remember that the governments are proposing to the commissioners. It is up to the president to accept them, and then determine what responsibilities they should have, says Juncker to the Polish Rzeczpospolita, the Czech Hospodarske Noviny and Slovak SME.”

“Juncker and the current commission leaves at the end of October. Who will be his successor is expected to be completed in mid-July.”