“The game of the government”

“Kristersson about SD’s requirements: ”Forget about it””

“Great interview on the efforts to form a government”

“Ulf Kristersson still believe that it will be he who should lead the next government.”

“to get the Centre party and the Liberals, points out M-leader that his government will have integrity and not give in to the sweden democrats’ demands.”

“– SD, for example, would require that we question the Swedish membership in the EU, I would say ”forget it”, says M-leader.”

“Exactly 100 days after the election held M the leader Ulf Kristersson christmas speech in the centre of Stockholm. He talked both about liberalkonservativ ideology and if it is still fruitless efforts to obtain a new government.”

“After the speech he sat down for a long interview with Aftonbladet. “

“In the century, he struck back against the socialists and sverigedemokrater that says that there is now a new conservative political bloc in Sweden, consisting of M, KD and SD.”

” I know what my party stands for. You may like to wish for things or fear things. But one can not describe M as something we are not. Then I’m a little tired of those who say, some accusation and the other as the pious hope, that there is a conservative block in Swedish politics. It is an inaccurate description, but the party is a liberalkonservativt party and has been for the past 50 years.”

“But they don’t have a score. M, the KD and SD have voted on the same budget and at the same industrialized?”

“– No, even that is an inaccurate description. The budget is essentially the Alliance’s policies. Then one can say that there is a very broad majority in the Swedish parliament, for large parts of the Alliance’s policies. It is an accurate description. But it is not so in all affairs.”

“Believe in the bourgeois government,”

“– We have a cluttered political landscape today than in the past, but it creates nothing new conservative block. Want to be he such, M is not a part of it.”

“You said in your speech that you believe that M will lead the next government. How can you believe it, you’ve been overruled a second time?”

“– It really is faith and not science. But we have voted to remove a government, then voted no to a new S-government, and then voted by a bourgeois budget. I think this provides a pretty solid basis for any kind of civil government should lead the country.”

“Kristersson also believe that the negotiations that took place between P, MP, L, and C was good because for the first time in the autumn put the focus on the political issues.”

” It was good that they pointed to the political tasks of a new government must have. But then I think that a bourgeois government is better at managing and implementing it than what a reluctant socialist government would be. But I respect the fact that each party must make these decisions and I put myself not in the other parties ‘ decision-making processes. This is a difficult decision.”

“But you were quite happy when a part of the Alliance negotiated with your opponent?”

” No, it is clear that I think that the negotiations on the liberal reforms do better in the Alliance. I think also that I got confirmed then, S does not want to implement the kind of policies that the Alliance parties want to have.”

“It has been almost a month since C and L voted no to Kristersson as prime minister. It was the first time in 40 years that the center-right parties voted against a civil industrialized.”

“Why would it go better this time?”

“– it is clear that It is possible to be a pessimist and believe that we go straight towards the extra options, then we’ll just get the two votes that are left completed. But I have not got the impression that the parties really want the extra options. I think quite a few believe that it would solve our problems, I believe that the Swedish people’s respect for the extra options is quite low. Then I think that the reflection becomes even more closely at the vote of three or utmost four.”

“Can you do something to increase your chances?”

” I do not see this as a bidding. Politically, we are fairly consistent in the Alliance, it’s about other things. I can clarify how I see the political task in Sweden, what I take with me into a government ultimately led by just M or with some allianspartier. I can describe which the integrity of such a government should have. I can do that, then it is so that if other allianspartier would ask for more precise political positions of a less bourgeois government, so I will of course respond to it also. But I perceive not that what is it that is the problem. “

“the Last time referred Loof and Bjorklund that SD would get influence. There you may well not negotiate away?”

“– No, you should not pretend that the party does not exist. To the extent that SD thinks that the Alliance will have an impact of its policies, to the extent they do not, they will not have an impact. To the extent that they think like Socialists, they can also vote down such a government I want to form. It’ll just have to live with. A minority government must be humble before that it is parliament which decides, and be a little cocky in that it stands for certain values. “

“What does it mean to come to C and L voted against you?”

” I don’t like to overdo it, but it is clear that it was a boring day. But I didn’t take it personal. But it illustrates that we are in a much more complicated political mode now. We have not the old-time obvious majorities. I think it will be so in the future, it may enough parties to learn to live with.”

“SD is a threat to the liberal model of society, say C and L. what do you think about it?”

“– There are important elements of the SD’s policy that I think is absolutely incorrect, and they express themselves terribly, we have had several new examples at. But I think, on the contrary, today we give SD a very large space when they get to dictate the terms of Swedish politics, when we can’t create a government.”

“– When the SD vote on the Alliance’s policies have the most impact when they think like we do. The same when they vote on S, then S impact. It is right and proper. But we have no obligation to adapt to their opinions in any way. On SD, for example, would require that we would question the Swedish membership in the EU, I would say ”forget it”.”

“Is the Alliance if the Centre party and the Liberals make up with the democrats?”

” I don’t think so, but it is clear that it would be boring, shame and unexpected. But I’m not going to speculate. I take advantage of the fact that we voted ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven last week, and that there existed the political conditions to get through a conservative budget.”

“do you Think it will be a government before christmas?”

” I thought it quite a long time, but now I have to say that even I am hesitant. The president tells us the more in the morning, but right now I’m not sure of it.”

“Who’s fault is it that we do not have any government?”

“– It is nobody’s fault, you can’t see it so. Since it is so that ultimately all have to make a decision, and if you don’t make a decision, then there will be extra options. After all, everyone knows the rules of the game.”