It was a dark period in Norwegian, of course, when two of skiing’s greatest stars, Martin Johnsrud sundby’s time and Therese Johaug, had made positive dopingprøver with relatively short intervals.

Both have also served his punishment and is back in the circus. But the handling of the cases is something that apparently provokes the former langrennsløperen Aino-Kaisa Saarinen.

The Finnish 40-year-old langer out in his column in the sportsmagasinet Urheilulehden, quoted by storavisa Ilta-Sanomat. Where, she is especially critical towards the Norwegian coach Vidar Løfshus:

– I don’t understand why he still has the job, ” says Saarinen to the newspaper.

Dagbladet has been in contact with Vidar Løfshus, which do not have any comment to the matter.

COACH: Vidar Løfshus. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug/Dagbladet Show more – don’t Understand why he has the job

It is not the first time Saarinens statements creates reactions. She has spoken out critically about Therese Johaugs dopingsak, something she later thought was based on a misunderstanding. She tells us that she has “scary” messages in social media in the aftermath of the case.

Saarinen langet out against Johaug. Everything is based on a misunderstanding,

Saarinen writes in the new spalta that she has had discussions with Løfshus about dopingsakene. She claims that Løfshus at one point called her about the matter:

– He asked if I did not understand that sundby’s time had applied a legal substance. It is just a misunderstanding, ” says Saarinen.

She continues:

I understand that it is tilltatt, but when the dosage is so high in relation to what is allowed, then failure to follow the rules anymore. I would like to invite Vidar to see that it no longer is like that. I don’t understand why he still has the job, ” says Saarinen.


Saarinen has at times been brutal against Therese Johaug.

She even pulled down on the pharmacy in Livigno in an attempt to reveal Johaug. The image that Saarinen leave out of the leppekremen with dopingmerket, she was award-winning for in Finland.

In Norway the Norwegian dopingsakene in 2016 opened up many eyes about that doping is not black and white and that there are significant nuances that distinguish conscious and unconscious doping.

Saarinen la for the rest, up after one.

Opening up about the abuse: – A horrible experience