“The notice on the public employment service – 4 500 to get going”
“Was the third employee at risk of losing the job.”
“On Wednesday morning, employees at the employment service informed about the warning notice that will cover 4 500 people.”
“Lots of placement services will be shut down around the country.”
“– It is a heavy decision we have taken, ” says Employment service director Mikael Sjöberg.”
“Thousands of employees at the employment service was during the Wednesday morning announcement on notice.”
“in Total there are about 4 500 people are expected to get go, which means every third employee. “
“– It is a heavy decision we have taken, ” says Employment service director Mikael Sjöberg.”
“Around 3 500-4 000 of the employees reported are located outside the head office in Stockholm. The employment service currently has approximately 13 500 employees, and 430 consultants.”
“According to Aftonbladet’s information, however, is expected the employees to get information about the individual redundancies, first in the beginning of april when the union negotiations are completed. “
“of the total Of 242 offices in the country is expected the majority to close when the transmission instead will be placed on the private operators.”
“Strong financial”
“the Background to the notice stated to be strong financial after the reduction of the budget from the government but also the so-called Fyrpartiöverenskommelsen, whose will is to shrink the size of the agency and to external stakeholders rather than to work with coaching the job seekers. “
“Total there should be 800 million in the budget decrease compared with 2018. “
“According to Mikael Sjöberg will the public Employment service’s ability to fulfil its mission to be affected by the notice.”
“– is laying off as many as will, of course, the business to be affected, he says to TT.”
“Wednesday will also the three-year-long arbetsmarknadsutredningen to be presented.”
“In the expected proposal on the employment service to be split up, pared down and renamed. “
“Löfven: ”Not taking responsibility””
“Prime minister Stefan Löfven commented on the notice for a debate in parliament on the same day. “
“– It is clear that people are becoming frustrated, upset and worried by this news.”
“Furthermore, he explains that the reason depends on the budget that KD and M added, as he calls servettskissbudget.”
“– You can’t cut away this much of the employment service. It is not to take responsibility, ” says Löfven. “
“the Conservatives Ulf Kristersson, however, is of a different opinion.”
“– of course I understand that those alerts find it boring but for people today who have training and experience so it is quite easy to get a new job. But the employment service is to help people who have difficulties to enter the labour market and where there are improvements and the potential, ” he said in an interview. “