Cut in the card, dagsgebyrer and higher parking charges. Nytårsmorgen we have, as the Queen put it, ’taken a hold on the fresh days’, but with them follows a number of new rules, which will be important for the country’s motorists, truck drivers and, not least, the Hells Angels prospects.

The amendment to the law, there are likely to be important for most, is a more stringent punishment for talking in hand-held mobile phone while driving.

According to the bilistorganisationen FDM, who has made a comprehensive summary of the new rules, it will in the course of the new year is getting to cost a cut in the licence, if one becomes taken with the hand on the cell phone. The clip should be to the time is added to the financial penalty, which is unchanged for 1500 crowns.

It will also trigger a clip to operate an iPad or a smartwatch while driving. There is, however, not yet put a date on when klipstraffen being introduced.

the Running man to turn around in a car without liability insurance, you have already earned a nasty fine. From 1. January has it cost 250 crowns in the daily charge to be the registered owner of a vehicle that is not insured. And this is regardless of whether the car, the motorcycle or moped is in the barn or running on the road.

In december, it was estimated that about 50,000 vehicles lacked the statutory insurance and thus stood to receive dagsgebyret 1. January.

you drive in a skrotmoden dieselbil, you can, in turn, will be pleased that politicians are currently planning to raise the scrapping premium for this type of vehicle. Instead of the traditional 2200 dollars should the owners have 5000 crowns in compensation for the old dieselhakkere, but the proposal is still in consultation.

It is therefore still uncertain whether the proposal will become reality in its current form, and when it then becomes a reality.

do you change dieselbilen out with an electric car, however, there is a time to run. The politicians was shortly before christmas, agreed to extend the tax exemption so that it also applies on this side of the turn of the year and up to and including the year 2020. It is, however, only cars under 400.000 kroner, which release the registration fee.

From 2019, it has become easier to rent his car out in private. Here is a fixed tax allowance of dkk 10,000 were introduced so that you no longer have to give up its costs by udlening to calculate the deduction.

do you Earn more than 10,000 dollars to rent the car, is it according to the FDM only 60 percent of the amount above that will be taxed.

the Turn of the year also has significance for drivers of large vans and trucks. For breaking parkeringsreglerne in a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 3500 kilos costs the tax now 2040 crowns above the 510 million, which, in the past, has escaped with the. Bilistorganisationen writes on his website that afgiftsstigningen among other things, is introduced in an attempt to stop the langtidsparkeringer on the country’s rest areas.

And so we come to an amendment of the law, which is likely to have gotten a lukewarm reception in many a rockerborg. From the turn of the year is it no longer possible to apply for an exemption to drive with a crash helmet.

This is done partly to increase the safety of motorcyclists and partly to get cheating with medical certificates to them. The government, by their nature, not how large the latter problem is, however, the minister for transport mr Ole Birk Olesen (LA) has the opposite Ritzau called it ‘a very clear feeling’, that there are being scammed. It writes the New York times.