“SDHL Swedish damhockeyligan”

“in Linköping, and Luleå to the SM-final”

“Linköping defeated Modo 4-0, in Sunday’s semifinals.”

“It means that the team wins the series 3-0.”

“Now is the club ready for its fifth CHAMPIONSHIP final in six years.”

“Long was the Sunday match a målsnål event, but in the third period could Linkoping to go from 1-0 to 3-0 against serietvåan Modo. A distance that was too large for Örnsköldsvikslaget.”

“Despite a slutforcering, shortlisted goalkeeper and the game in six against three-did not Modo get the holes in Linköping. In Linköping, make 4-0 in the tom gates over three minutes left.”

” We are all excited, but no one is satisfied yet. There are a number of matches left of the season and we’ll have it where the gold before it is over, ” says goalscorer Kennedy Marchment to Östgöta Correspondenten.”

“Linköping won the other matches with 3-1 and 4-3. “

“Finalrepris against the favorite”

“For the second season in a row, is now Linköping clear for SM-final. Just as then, it is Luleå, which will stand for the resistance. “We also became the finalklara after defeating HV71 3-0 in matches.”

“Luleå won the third semifinal with 6-2 after the first period took the lead with 4-0. HV71 fought his way back into the match in the second period and reduced both one and two times.”

“But when Lulea scored 5-2 in the third period, it was decidedly and seriesegraren could then determine the end result with a goal in the empty gates.”

“Last season fell Linkoping 2-1 in the matches in the Swedish CHAMPIONSHIP final against Luleå.”